1 - Your Best Friend

176 21 28

- Written by , _adrilia_, and AHyperFerret -

The human woke up with a start, looking around in a panic. The last thing she remembered was tripping and falling down the mountain, the air rushing around her. Then, everything had gone white.

Where was she now? What was this place?

And..shouldn't she be dead? That fall seemed high enough to kill her.

The ground below her felt soft. She looked down and realized she was lying on a small bed of golden flowers. The light from the top of the mountain streamed down, illuminating the flowers. Everything else in the room she was in was shrouded in darkness.

* The bed of flowers must have broken your fall.

A series of questions spun through her head. Why were the flowers down here in the first place? Was there a way to get back up?

And most importantly, who was telling this to her?

She brushed her curiosities off and considered climbing all the way back up, but it was too steep. She would definitely slip and fall, and there was no guaranteeing the flowers would break her fall a second time.

Getting to her feet and turning in a slow circle, the child took note of the barren stone walls and floor. It was so bleak down here, the only warmth being the soft rays of sun pouring down. Everything felt so dead, empty and still.

As she gave the area another cursory glance, the girl caught sight of a small passageway on the side of the cavern. Narrow, dark, blanketed in shadow and gloom- it didn't seem very welcoming. She instinctively shifted away, looking down at the flowers again.

They were gorgeous; a deep, strong gold hue, with fragile petals as big as her head. The patch sprawled across the center of the room, in its draping, billowy, beautiful way. That sunshine above only brought out the luster of the blossoms, making them shine as if they were thin sheets of gold.

Despite herself, the child reached down and plucked one from the ground, running her fingers across its thick stem. She stared at it for a few moments and decided to tuck it into her hair, pushing her dark brown locks back and twisting it into the strands.

Her gaze floated back to the tunnel. Having a piece of sunshine to carry with her made her feel a tad less daunted by the darkness and mystery.

And for some reason, as she gazed into the shadows, she felt as if there was someone by her side. A friendly presence standing with her through the strangeness of it all.

Surveying the rest of the room again to make sure there was nothing she was missing, the girl turned to the passage and stepped inside.


The first thing she spotted was a small patch of grass with a little yellow flower. She didn't think much of it, as it was just like the flowers in the room she woke up in, before she saw...

...a face?

It smiled weirdly, and she felt oddly creeped out by it as she stepped backwards slightly. The flower opened its mouth, and she flinched, confusion overcoming her as it started to talk.

"Hola! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!"

The flower surveyed her with its--do flowers have genders?--sickly sweet smile. "Hmmm...You're new to the Underground, are ya? Geez, you must be so confused. Someone's gotta have to teach you how things work around here!"

Flowey paused, smiling.

"I guess I'll have to do it for ya. Ready?"

Confused, the girl looked to the flower, but nodded silently.

"Aight then! Here we go!" The flower replied with a grin, though she wasn't sure if it was sincere.

She didn't have time to think before a purple heart appeared in front of her...purple, Well, at least someone had a taste in colour, she thought, before Flowey cut off her thoughts.

"See that heart?"

She nodded, and the flower grinned, her--or, she guessed it was a her--petals swaying slightly, even though the area carried no such breeze.

"That is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being!"

The girl looked at it, and soon found she was able to move it with her hand slightly.

"Your soulllll starts off weak, very weak! but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV!"

The human tilted her head slightly at the last word, confused. She heard soft muttering, but Flowey cut both it and her looking for the source off as they spoke.

"Hm? You look confused, lemme guess! What does LV stand for?" The flower smiled, making the girl even more uncomfortable.

"Why, LOVE, course! You want some LOVE, don't you?"

The girl backed up a bit, though Flowey ignored her. "Don't worry! I'll share some with you!"

The flower winked, a small star appearing out of the right side of her face, fading into the darkness. Soon after, the flower continued.

"Down here, love is spread through..." the flower paused, as if not knowing herself, making the girl nervous. "Little white... 'friendliness pellets'." The flower paused slightly, then grinned again.

"Are ya ready yet? Cmon, Move around! Get as many as you can!" The flower directed loudly, looking at her.

The flower made "friendliness pellets" out of thin air, sending them towards her. But something about Flowey made her uncomfortable, and she found herself dodging the friendliness pellets by instinct.

Flowey frowned a bit. "Hey bud, ya missed them! Let's try this again, aight?" 

As Flowey sent more her way, the girl once again dodged them, not trusting the flower.

"Is this a joke? Or Are you braindead? RUN. INTO. THE. BULLETS!!!"

Flowey paused, realizing her mistake.

"I mean, friendliness pellets!" Flowey puffed up to summon more, but paused, seemingly realizing something.

Floweys face changed, from nice to psychotic. "You know what's going on here, don't you?" she asked, smiling. The girl backed away slightly.

"You just wanted to see me suffffferrrr, ooooh, interesting!" The girl flinched at the bluntness in the flower's voice as the she summoned bullets to fully surround her.


The flower laughed manically as the bullets closed in, the girl panicked, pulling her hand close to her, and with that her purple soul.

Just before the killer flower could--well--kill her, a stray fireball hit the flower, resulting in a yelp from her as the girl backed away, looking around to where the fireball came.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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