Kingdoms and Conqueror's (Mayadere Prince!)

Start from the beginning


With the luck I was having, I ended up with a twisted ankle. The prince postponed the killing until I was fully healed. As I said, many people were rioting, but they were instantly weakened and withered out. Sintil was my personal guard, and would constantly stare as I ate my breakfast, lunch and dinner. He watched me with such intensity that I felt like I was being investigated for a crime. His grey eyes stared at me, his lips pressed in a thin line and he wouldn't stop staring until I finished eating. One time he brushed his fingers against mine and out of the corner of my eye, I saw the red creep up his face. His brown hair complemented his eyes well, though. I giggled when he left the room.

Prince Adil would walk by the room to talk to Sintil every once in a while, I could hear his voice in the empty halls, but one day as my foot was getting better, the door swung open. In he walked, wearing the robes of my father, soft and warm. I glared at him.

"Those don't belong to you! Take them off!" I snapped. He smirked and struts over to me, taking the cape off. He throws it on top of me and I scramble to grab it, embracing my father. I smell it and it still has his old warm scent I try to ignore the night he died, so I bunch it up and wrap it around me, the smile it gives turns into a glare as I stare at the intruder.

"What?" I ask the prince. His soft lips curve wickedly. "Your death is scheduled for tomorrow. I thought I might tell you." He smirks.

"Do you know why we marry the commoners of our own country? To keep the bloodline pure." I tell him. He watches, entertained. "If we were to marry outside, fine, so be it, but they must have a child of the blood of the L/n line, or they will not follow. We made this country based on the idea that no one man is right, but the whole land could know. We have a court made up of all the people. We take matters even as small as birthdays importantly. Under your rule they will have their voice ripped out of their throat, and when they go mute, they will be enraged." I hissed, he sits on my bed, fully curious now.

"And what about you?" He asks.


"What. About. You? Do you have time to walk in the rose garden? Do your 'beloved people' let you prance about in peace? Or do you share everything? Is this your bed? Has a commoner used it before? Do you share your bathroom soap?" He asks, but his tone is a mix of mockery and curiosity.

"The rose garden is open to the public, the only ones who aren't aloud are those who have been charged with criminal activity. The bed- I would give this bed to anyone in need."

"Very well, move her to my room. Give her matress to the insane man that's outside." He says, snapping at one of the soldiers.

"Wait, what?" I'm shocked at his words. He stares me down.

"Move her to my room, give her matress to the mental patient that's outside." He smiles. My eyes go wide and I sit up straight as Sintil picks me up.

"What the hell? Not while I'm in it!" I yelp.

"You never specified when." He laughs maliciously. The mattress was being picked up by three men as I was thrown into a different room. Sintil dropped me so suddenly that my ankle shot a sharp pain up my leg. I hissed and he opens his mouth.

"Sorry." He said. It was the first word I had heard from him since the day of the carriage incident. His voice was soft and it caught me off guard. I look up and his brown eyes sparkle with sincerity. He hears footsteps and as quickly as it was there it was gone. He turns into a stone soldier again and walks outside. Adil walks in and laughs.

"Now, what to do with you... You dumbass. I wasn't really going to do it but now seeing you here, we'll call it even for biting me earlier." He sighed after having a fit of laughter and walked towards the bed as I struggled to stand from the floor. "You are one tough bitch, I'll give you that, but where are you going to sleep now?" He mocked. I stand up against the wall, limping towards a chair.

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