Soft skin, Warm blood (part 1)

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(Y/N) was constantly in chains. You were always moving from place to place. No one wanted a regular human slave. How were you known to be human? Your (natural hair color) stood out amongst the crowds of magic wielders. Back to being unwanted.

From sirens, to shadow wielders, to even wildebeests, no one wanted you, until he came and bought you from the market.

His pure white skin and black hair were off putting, but not as much as his one pure white, and one pure black eyes. He wore a rope around his neck, his long hair covering his black eye, with red and blue stripes through it.

"Neo Vanderez, your new master." he stated with a deep condescending voice. He grabbed the chains shackling you to the wall and unlocked them. His monochrome eyes were staring right at you.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." you puffed. He was going to send you back here as soon as he found out you were human.

"Get you stuff. We will be leaving here in five minuets." barking, Neo picked up a bag of gold and tossed it into the wait balencer. It made the side hang over. The waits on the other side had two thin blocks on it.

"Sir this slave is practically worth nothing, you do-" their was a choking noise as the rope around Neo's neck moved and tightened around the slave sellers neck.

"Don't. Ever. Tell Me. That My Kitten. Is. Worth. Nothing." his eyes flashed a purple, and went back to checkmate. You stood there in fear. He was rather scary. You hesitated before tugging on his loose brown shirt.

Neo spun around, the rope getting shorter as it fell off the mans neck. His eyes flashed purple again and he picked you up. One last dirty look at the old man who was now trembling on the ground and he walked away.

Finally getting the nerve to speak to him, you opened your mouth.

"U-um... Hey... I-I uh, c-could you put me down?" you inquired. He looked down at you and smiled. Then kissed you strait on the lips. Shock overwhelmed your body as your first kiss was taken. The tingling inside you made you feel exhilarated. He pulled away and chuckled lovingly.

"Now my dear, you have been walking way to long. A person such as yourself should not ask such silly questions. Let me take pride in spoiling you for today." he walked on.

~~~timeskip brought to you by: my lazy phoenix Ashen~~~~

After arriving at an inn, you were to stay in your room, as there were "perverted old men" downstairs and "you should not be even so much as looked at by another being, magic wielder or not." giggling to yourself, an enlightened feeling came over you. Neo had left to deal with something of a trivial matter. So the room was empty as you started dancing to a song that was being played in the streets.

As you danced through the empty room, you giggled. The first time you could freely dance and sing to yourself. You sang a song of your ancestors, the only living humans in this universe.

"We might not have strength
We might bring and deal pain
But we will sing freely one day
After all these rags torn and plain
Turn into riches again
And we take back what is ours
Oh take back what is ours"

"Kitten, your voice is beautiful. It draws me towards you." Neo whispered in your ear. You jumped and he chuckled softly before singing the words you had just sung.

Listening to him sing was chaotic. He was calmly singing and you were getting sleepy. Slowly closing your eyes, you fell into his arms.

"Shit." Neo stated as he stopped humming. "This damn curse." the boy muttered.
You fell out of your trance like state and stared at him curiously.

"What the hell, Master was that?" you bodly presented your inquirie.

"Nothing my little kitten." he said staring at you. Something inside him stirred at the sound of you calling him master.

"Kitty, don't call me master unless you want to be punished." he said as his porcelain hands played with your hair.

He leaned down, noses almost touching. You could feel his hot breath on your face, lips getting closer. Closing your eyes ready for embrace, he pulled away.

"Aren't we selfish to try to steal masters kiss." he purred. "Wait until we get home sweetheart." he licked your ear and enjoyed the squeal he solicited. You curled up in the fluffy bed. This was the first time you slept in a bed in months. As you were falling asleep, Neo shook you.

"You can't sleep in that it's litteraly a rag." he said concerned. He pulled you out of bed and gave you the softest warmed clothes you have ever had. You thanked him, and he in turn smiles before leaving to wait outside the door.

Neo eneterd whilst you were shirtless, you blushed insanely scarlet and turned so he couldn't see you. Unfortunately you were now facing the window, but it was your back that made him freeze.

Scars. Whips. Bruises. You could easily name all of them and the reason for their existence. But the painful part was when he walked over to you, and traced all of them before...

His chest was up against your back, rope around his neck moving to entwine you.

"My sweet girl, my lovely (Y/N). I was trying to hold out until we got home but I don't think I can." He said. You panicked, was he going to do... Things? You felt a sharp pain in your neck as you realized what he was.


His glass like arms wrapped around your shirtless front. You felt pain along with pleasure as he drank you. Finally pulling away, he slipped your shirt on over your head and kissed you warmly. You could taste the blood on his lips. Gently being picked up, he put you in bed and curled up as well.

"When we get home, tell me why, when, who and how you got those scars on your back. Alright, Kitten?" you nod smiling. Even if he was a vampire, he still loved you.


Well I liked this chapter. But I'm curious, would you guys like a spinoff or just a part two? I personally would love to write this as a book or just second part. If I did a spinoff then it would be longer too~

Firebidden out!

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