"Huh, is that right?" I say leaning back into the cushions. Ashton follows my actions and nods. "Well, if you seem to fully understand how much danger you're in, why do you need to know anything about me?"

"How do I know you're not on their side?"

"You watch too much CSI," I say rolling my eyes.

"I have no idea what that is. I'm Australian."

"No excuse."

Ashton furrows his brow. He leans in, and his face is dangerously close to mine again. I don't swat him away this time. My body stiffens, and I see a smirk appear on his lips again. "Are you nervous, Agent?" He asks in a voice that has a hint of trouble.

"I'm always nervous, pal. It comes with the job." I move my neck away from him by moving forward, and I feel him fall forward. I can't help but smile as he regains his balance.

"Very funny." Ashton frowns and folds his arm across his chest. "But I'm serious about you telling me about yourself. Just let me know something."

"I'm twenty four," I say pulling out my phone.

"I knew that already," Ashton grumbles.

I scroll through my messages hoping someone from the team would let me know what's going on. "I work in the FBI."

"Now you're being ridiculous."

Luckily, Morgan texts me.

Morgan: Hart, Reid needs to stay at the station tonight. We might have a lead, and he's cracking something. We think the unsub is a female.

Hannah: That makes sense. Lack of sexual assault on the all female vics. could show a woman unsub instead of just an incompetent male. Keep me updated if you find anything else. Also, I hate you for making Reid stay.

Morgan: Fair enough. And I know I specifically requested him the first time, but this was Hotch's doing. I'll be at the house around 1 am for night watch. Have fun with your boyfriend until then ;)

I lock my phone and roll my eyes. When I look up, Ashton is still staring at me. "Jesus Christ, Ashton. What do you want? Stop looking at me like that."

Ashton laughs. "I asked you another question."

"I'm not in the mood to answer any questions. Please leave me alone."

"Will you ever be in the mood?"

"Probably not."

"You're the worst babysitter ever."

"That's because I'm babysitting a twenty year old who acts like he's five."

Ashton furrows his brow. "It was a joke," he snickers.

I smirk and stand up again as I hear the oven beep. "I know." Michael stands up to open the oven door. He smiles at what he sees and pulls the tray out with a towel.

"They're perfect!" He yells. The boys and I congregate at the table where Michael proudly sets down his tray of chicken nuggets. Ashton picks one up and yelps throwing it down on the tray.

"They're hot!" He says holding his hand to his chest.

Luke laughs and rolls his eyes. "Yeah you dumb shit," he says pulling out salad prongs. This makes my fake OCD go wild. "They just came out of the oven."

"They weren't in there for that long, though," Ashton says ripping the prongs from Luke's hands. Luke frowns and sits down at the table. I take a seat next to him, and Ashton beats Michael out for the other seat next to me. I hold back a groan.

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