Chapter 5: Operation: Spider Bait

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Nothing to report about this chapter, enjoy chapter 5.

It was the next morning and Timothy, Laval, and Darel already packed up their things and traveled together towards the Spider Queen's Castle, to rescue their friends. Darel said that he knew where Fahlga's new castle was, so he led Timothy and Laval across the to her castle. It took an entire day, but they made it to the Spider Queen's Castle, just after sundown. "We made it. We actually made it." Laval said while panting. "Yes, yes we did." Darel said panting as well while looking at the castle. "Now, remember the plan?" Timothy said to Laval and Darel. "Yep." Laval and Darel said at the same time. "Then let's get moving." Timothy said as he, Laval and Darel approach the castle.

Inside the castle, Queen Fahlga was working on her night-casting spells, when she sensed three creatures approaching her castle. "Ha ha ha, oh... trying to rescue your friends are you Laval?" Queen Fahlga said with a sinister smile, "You and your friends haven't seen all that I can do, which means it's time." Queen Fahlga said making a deathly glare. Just then, the Assassin came into the Spider Queen's quarters to report, "Your highness, I just saw three creatures approaching the castle." the assassin said bowing to it's knees in front of the Queen. "Oh, I know Nightshade, which is why, we are going to fall for their plan." Queen Fahlga said with a sinister smile. "I beg your pardon you highness?" Nightshade said in shock. "At least for now. As of right now, go take care of Timothy." Queen Fahlga ordered the assassin. Nightshade nodded and went away to find him.

Outside the castle, Timothy and Laval just got done making a secret entrance for them to enter. They entered the castle and looked around a little, "Ok, the castle is like a maze, so try your best to find what your looking for, and when you see a guard, hide." Darel said, explaining the castle. "Got it." Timothy and Laval said at the same time. After that, they split up to find their objectives. Laval tried his best to find his friends, but every corner of this castle looked the same. Darel, on the other hand, wanted to distract the Queen so he was purposely caught and brought before the Queen. "Darel, we meet again." Queen Fahlga said sounding so sincere. But Darel was not fooled, "Queen Fahlga, you were suppose to kill Marmoo back at Cardigal, but you peeled off." Darel said in an angry tone. "I was distracted, but who am I kidding, you'll never believe me." Fahlga said turning her back on Darel. "Your right, I don't believe you, not just because your a traitor, but you used an assassin to kill a king and capture innocent animals." Darel said getting more angry. The Spider Queen turned around to look at Darel, "It was the only way." Queen Fahlga said, looking at Darel. "For what?" Darel asked glaring at the Queen. Queen Fahlga smiled at the Frog, "To bring you and your friends here of course." Fahlga said smiling sinisterly while Darel had a a shocking look, meaning he led his friends into a trap.

Back with Laval, he was trying his hardest to find the cells, but he doesn't know where they are. Until, he accidently made a wrong turn and found the cell chamber. The cell chamber had rows of cells on the walls, meaning there were so many cells, "This is going to be difficult." Laval muttered to himself as he started to search for his friends. He almost checked every row and was almost about to give up, but then he decided to find them in another way. He looked on the ground to try to find something, until he found it, a white feather falling to the ground on a pile of other white feathers. Laval smelled the feather and caught the cent of his eagle friend, Eris. Laval fallowed the cent too the cell with his friends, but when he got there, he realized is was the only cell being guarded by one spider guard.

Inside the cell, everyone but Eris and Cragger were starting to lose hope. "Stupid spiders." Worriz said in an angry tone. "Embrace the Mellow, brother wolf." Gorzan said to Worriz in a meditation pose. Worriz just got more angry by the Gorilla, "Oh, you and your STUPID Mellow." Worriz shouted at the Gorilla. Gorzan stood up with an upset look on his face, "NOT HAPPY!" Gorzan shouted, about to attack Worriz. As they were about to fight, Cragger came in between them and kept them apart, "Stop, as long as we still have each other, there's still hope for us." Cragger said trying to break up the fight. "Oh what's the use, there's no way to get out of here." Razar said sitting against the wall. "We're never getting out of here, are we?" Bladvic said in a sad tone, then he went to sleep. Everyone just looked at each other with a sad look. "Not alone, you're not." Laval said as he peeked in the cage holding the keys. "LAVAL!!!" Everyone in the cage yelled at the sight of their Lion friend. "Shh, be quiet, there are guards nearby." Laval said as he unlocked the cell door, letting everyone out. "Wait, did you do this all by yourself Laval?" Cragger asked with a curious look. "Oh no, I'm not by myself." Laval answered as he just remembered his two friends with a gasp, "DAREL AND TIMOTHY!" Laval said with a worried look on his face.

With Timothy, he was hiding in a corner, waiting for guards to pass him. Once he was clear, he continued walking in the halls, looking for the assassin. Timothy entered a dark room which then the lights turned on, revealing the assassin. "Well, well, well. Look what I caught in my web." the assassin said in a sing-song tone. "Your work of killing and capturing, is over assassin." Timothy said in an angry tone. The assassin just scoffed, not believing a word he just said, "Yeah right, and it's Nightshade to you." Nightshade said as he came face to face with Timothy, "And I'm here to take you down." Nightshade said as he pulled out his weapon and doing a battle stance. Timothy pulled out his Energy Sword, ready to fight Nightshade. "You'll regret what you did." Timothy said glaring at Nightshade. "And what I did, has brought you and your friends here." Nightshade said as he try to lay a hit on Timothy, but he dodged out of the way and continued to fight Nightshade.

Back with Laval and his friends, they were running, looking for Darel and Timothy. "So, Timothy came up with the plan to rescue us." Cragger said with a shock expression. "Yeah, I'm surprised that he's still alive, we haven't seen him in a year!" Eris said who was also shocked. "Yeah, once we find him and Darel, we're home free." Laval said smiling. But as they took a left turn, their victory was cut short when Spider guards surrounded them. "Laval, what do we do? We don't have any weapons." Cragger asked as he was in a defensive form. Laval knew there was no other choice so he followed his gut, "We surrender." Laval said as he dropped his sword and raised his arms. Although confused, Eris, Cragger, and the rest of their friends followed Laval's lead and raised their arms in the air as well. They were cuffed and brought before the Spider Queen. "Ahh, if it isn't Laval and the warriors of Chima." Queen Fahlga said with a sinister smile. Darel, still sitting in front of the Spider Queen, looked behind him and saw Laval and his friends. Laval and his friends were brought up before the Queen and sat as well. "Darel, these are my friends. Guys this is Darel." Laval said, trying to sound positive. "This is literally the worst time for introductions." Eris whispered to Laval in an angry tone. "Actually, I haven't introduced myself." the Spider Queen said as she cleared her throat, "I am Fahlga, Queen of the Spiders, and a savior of your lives." Queen Fahlga said, sounding sincere. "What do you mean, 'savior of our lives?'" Eris said with a confused look. "Don't bother, she's lying." Darel said with an angry voice. Fahlga started laughing when Darel said that, "Darel, I never lie! I never did, and I never will." Fahlga said with an annoyed look on her face. "Then tell us. Who is the assassin?" Laval said with a stern voice. Fahlga started laughing again, "Do you really want to know?" Fahlga asked the cuffed up animals. They gave a nod, meaning they want to know. "Very well, but brace yourselves, Nightshade is not who you think, "she" is." Fahlga said with a smile.

Back with Timothy and Nightshade, the fight was still going on and they were both tired. "Fighting can be tiring, am I right?" Nightshade said as she clashed her sword with Timothy's. "Yes you are, but that doesn't mean I give up so easily." Timothy said in an angry tone as he pushed his Energy Sword toward her sword. As Timothy added more force toward Nightshade's sword, the sword shattered and Timothy sliced off a piece of her mask. Nightshade fell to the ground, and turned to look at Timothy, through the broken part of the mask. Timothy saw her eye through the broken part of the mask, they were similar to his, except her eyes were green, and Timothy's eyes were brown. As Timothy saw her eye, he saw a terrified person through her eye, almost looking at himself when he was terrified, so he put his back into it's scabbard. Timothy kneeled in front of her so he and Nightshade were at eye level, "Who are you?" Timothy asked trying to get her to answer. Nightshade just looked at him for a few seconds then decided to take off her mask. When she did, Timothy saw something that left him speechless. He saw that she looked just like him, but a little different, "My real name is Lucy!" Lucy said while knocking out Timothy!

Next time on the Golden Guardian: It looks like things are not going well for our heroes. Nightshade has revealed herself to be Lucy, and the same species that Timothy is! Will Darel, Laval, and their friends escape the Spider Queen's Castle? What is Queen Fahlga up too? Will Timothy learn more from Lucy? Find out in the next installment of the Golden Guardian. 

So yeah, Lucy is also a human, incase you missed it. Tell me your thoughts on what's going to happen next. If you do, I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

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