Pilot (1)

153 6 1

Song suggestion: These boots are made for walking by Nancy Sinatra


"Fifteen minutes!" Your mother called from downstairs.

A wave of nerves rolled through you as you looked back to the mirror. Today was the day.

You clenched your fists at the sight of yourself. So much perfection, yet no one could appreciate it.

Your mother called your name again.

"What?" You yelled down the stairs agitated.

"Just checking time make sure you heard me." She chuckled.

You tangled your hands through your shiny dark brown hair in frustration.

"I heard ya'" You called back with an edge of annoyance.

You turned to your vanity mirror. Your hair was now completely a mess.

Absentmindedly using the force to pick up your hairbrush and brush out the knots in your, otherwise straight hair, you admired the curve of your jawline and your protruding collarbones.

Your enhanced appearance was a gift from Snoke. He'd said it would be easier for you to seduce people to the dark side if you actually looked... seductive.

Let's just say before your switch to the dark side you weren't the easiest to look at.

With a final adjustment of your black lace dress, you decided you were ready. You set down your brush, turned off the light and made your way downstairs to where your mom was waiting.

"Oh, you look lovely!" Your mom gushed.

You stiffened up, hot anger boiling your insides. You hated it when she acted like she was actually proud of you. You forced a smile for her and tucked a stray hair behind your ear as you brushed past to go put your shoes on.

"Where's dad?" You mumbled as You fiddled with the ties on your heels.

Your mom let out an unimpressed sigh, "Actually I have no idea," she then deeply inhaled and bellowed. "Pierce get your ass up here!"

You heard a few things fall and several frustrated grunts before your dad emerged from the basement fully dressed with a flustered expression on his face.

"Sorry honey, I just had to finish something" he said smiling at you, "I had to finish my little padawan's graduation present"

As he said that, from behind his back he pulled a handmade, hand painted, metal lightsaber hilt. From the giddy expression on his face, You could tell he was extremely proud of himself.

Your eyes widened. It was the most considerate thing your father had ever done for you, considering his extreme dislike for your Star Wars obsession.

"Well? How do you like it?" He questioned, smile faltering a little bit as he began to doubt his handiwork.

"Wow, dad, I-", just as you were about to express your appreciation, You felt a presence in the back of your mind.

Snoke. You thought to yourself.

"Smart girl", a low raspy voice hissed in your mind. "What is it master?" You questioned. "That hilt, it is for a Jedi, you are no Jedi," Snoke Reprimanded.

You squinted your eyes at the creation in your fathers hands. Sure enough, it was painted a metallic silver and had the typical trademarks of a Jedi's lightsaber.

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