Meeting an elf

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While I'm thinking I hear a noise coming from the balcony . it was like a chirping but it's 1am birds shouldn't be out yet . I creep out of the bed attempting not to wake jake up and carefully walk up to the window . standing there was a giant Voltaire with a man sat on his back dressed in a iron chest plate and a iron helmet ,large steel boots and leggings . he had large pointed ears and stretched out eyes . I didn't no if i was imagining it or if it was real .I run over to jake to wake him up to know if it was real or not . the man opened the balcony door and said to us " hello are you lily and jake",we nod " good I'm Sargent Jackson ,and I'm here to take you to the land of elfsland to meet your real parents . you've come of age ".

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