Lily and jake

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As I lade in my uncomfortable bed i think what it's like to be with different people and in a different town .there is so many different things to think about like is there life after death and stuff like that .I stay up many hours thinking about all this stuff it sometime makes me cry. it's impossible to sleep at night . I don't know what's wrong with me . but I always sleep in the day ,my parents are starting to think that I'm ...not normal ,like I'm some mythical creatures .my younger brother jake is always having these creepy nightmares about we're elfs and we are under attack by these likens crossed with vampires. so every single night I will hear him say " Lily , are you awake .I had the nightmare again ". and he ends up in my bed every night . I've gotten used to it now though . it's like having a giant teddy bear . at least he keeps me nice and warm .but as I sit and think I will have my pink England headphones in listening to imagine dragons. there amazing . they're music just makes me feel special and wanted in life. you always have this one thing that makes you feel special unless it's just me and jake his is his teddy bear jasper . it's a brown bear with a football shirt on and a Beanie.

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