the one with the sweater

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MY FANFICTION MOMENT had come to life when I found myself sneaking back to the Gryffindor dorms at the crack of dawn, with Draco's Slytherin scarf around my neck. It was like a big A for Adulterer on me but I wouldn't deny enjoying every face I saw on the way there. Hufflepuff Hannah, an early riser, waved at me and then choked midway through her 'good morning' when she saw the scarf and the direction I was coming from. And when I reached the Common Room, the only person up was Hermione who had a heart attack at the sight.

The Weasleys and Harry came back early in the morning because Christmas break wasn't on yet, and their absence might cause suspicions. So they returned. And clearly, Hermione noticed something was wrong when I didn't return to the dormitory all night.

"Skylar!" she gasped loudly. "What were you doing with Malfoy!"

"You know," I blushed, but also amused. "Studying."

"Really?" she said, making a face that almost made me laugh. She pointed her wand at me and said, "Revealio!"

The scarf untangled from my neck and dropped to the floor revealing the constellation of hickeys from my neck going down. She gulped. I understood. There were way too many, way too dark.


"Trust me Hermione," I said picking up the scarf, still embarrassed. "You don't want to see where the hickeys end."

By breakfast, people were talking. It was muggle high school all over again. Hannah had managed to spread stories in Hufflepuff,and they believed it. Ravenclaw didn't so they spent most of breakfast coming up with evidence to prove Hufflepuff's theories wrong.

Every once in a while I'd look across the tables and catch Draco's eyes, who looked more than smug at the attention he was receiving. Unlike me, he didn't bother to clear anything up and let it upto everyone to live with what they believed.

"Skylar!" Ron's frantic voice caught my attention. "You shagged Malfoy!"

"No,"I quickly said. "I didn't shag him."

"Harry is furious," he said. "He's still getting ready and he strongly believes something happened," Ron said, looking conflicted. "You sure you didn't shag him?" His eyes wandered to my scarf, which had lowered and revealed a few hickeys. I quickly resettled it around my neck and gave Ron a hard stare.

"I did not shag him!"

"Skylar!" It was Harry, breathing down my neck, appearing out of nowhere. "What the fuck?"

"What?" I asked innocently.

"You shagged Malfoy!"

A lot of people turned at this.

"Shut up, Harry," I winced. "I didn't shag Malfoy!" I sneered. "It was nothing!"

"Are you sure?" Harry said, leaning into me with aggression.

"Don't be so protective," I said.

"I swear, Skylar, if I find that Malfoy did something to you, I'm going to nip that ferret piece by piece and feed them to the thestrals!"

Ron choked next to me, obviously the food got stuck to his throat laughing. I laughed. Harry looked taken aback.

"It's fine, Harry," I said. "I know Draco. He's a good guy."

"Except when he pulled that sneaky song at the game," Ron pointed out. "And proceeded to insult my mother."

"Yeah," I said, looking apologetically. "I doubt he'll ever apologize to you for that, but he's a bitch sometimes."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐑 Where stories live. Discover now