Special Announcement...

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Thank you all so much! I can't believe I got past 300+ followers! I didn't think this would happen, and I only really ever joined WattPad to read fanfics, lmao

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Thank you all so much! I can't believe I got past 300+ followers! I didn't think this would happen, and I only really ever joined WattPad to read fanfics, lmao. But when I started this book, and more and more readers and followers I gained, I never knew I could get this far! Its been an amazing journey, yes it has had its ups and downs, but I have people on here who are like family to me! So I thank you guys! Thank you for making this possible! I know 300 followers may not seem much to some people, but thats the most people Ive ever have had follow me, and Im extremely happily, no not from just followers, but for the people who I have met on here! I'm glad I met you guys, even if there is some difficulties going on right now...but I'm glad! Thank you...really, thank you all for putting up with my odd ass self, really, all I can say is THANK YOU!! Take this drawing as my thank you gift! It took my a few days but oh well! It was worth it!
Anyways, thank you guys, again!
I love all of you, even with the difficulties with some people..again, thank you...gee, I've said that way to many times! Lmao, anyways, enough of that, and uhhh yee! I'm working on other art pieces so those will be out sometime soon, and also, go check out my YouTube channel! There's two shitty animations on there, but I'll be trying to post more! Anyways, love ya all!

Signing out!

*Crashes through a window and jumps out-*

Hint, hint- Look up Glaceon9000 on YouTube-

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