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[No One POV]

"... MARINETTE!!!!" Whatever shouted excitedly and a picture appeared onscreen.

 MARINETTE!!!!" Whatever shouted excitedly and a picture appeared onscreen

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Adrien smiled.

"I remember that day!!" he exclaimed.

Alya and Nino looked at their best friends in shock.

"You two will explain later!!!" their friends demanded and turned back to the screen to see another picture.

"You two will explain later!!!" their friends demanded and turned back to the screen to see another picture

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Everyone smiled and Marinette buried her face in her hands in embarrassment.

Adrien smiled at Marinette, but she didn't see it. His smile faltered a little and he turned back to the screen.

Whatever snickered.

A picture appeared onscreen.

Adrien glanced at Marinette to see that she still had her hands over her face

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Adrien glanced at Marinette to see that she still had her hands over her face.


Another picture appeared onscreen.

Adrien had a light pink blush on his cheeks

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Adrien had a light pink blush on his cheeks.

He's never seen Marinette wear anything like that!

A few butterflies fluttered in his stomach as he glanced at Marinette who was staring at the picture. He could practically see the gears turning in her head.

A picture appeared on screen.

A picture appeared on screen

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Marinette gasped.

"I MADE THAT!!!!" she exclaimed as she stood up. Everyone turned to her in shock.

"Really?!" they questioned and Marinette nodded.

"Well, at least you know that you will looked cute in it!!" Alya said.

Marinette rolled her eyes playfully and sat back down.


Another picture appeared onscreen.

"WHERE'S MY SKETCHBOOK WHEN I NEED IT?!?!?!" Marinette exclaimed

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"WHERE'S MY SKETCHBOOK WHEN I NEED IT?!?!?!" Marinette exclaimed.

"I GOT YOU!!!!" Whatever shouted from backstage. She snapped her fingers and Marinette's sketchbook appeared in her lap. Marinette grabbed it thankfully and started sketching.

Were you wondering about Adrien?

Well, he was staring at the picture with a light red blush on his cheeks.

Whatever saw this and started fangirling.

"'MaRiNeTtE? No, ShE's JuSt A fRiEnD'!!!!" Whatever mocked Adrien annoyed.


I'm guessing you guys know, so... I'll leave you to it!!! Have a great day, my little kittens!!

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