|018 - The End

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Maddie's POV

Dustin walks over to me, his lips slightly parted.

"Hey, Dustin..." I mutter, feeling awkward.

"Maddie, you look... amazing," Dustin states and I feel my cheeks burn.

"Thanks, um..." I trail off, looking to the ground in shame. "I'm sorry I came late, I was... nervous," I say with a sigh.

"No, no. It's fine," he states, grabbing my hand, making me look up at him.

"Do you maybe... Do you maybe want to dance with me?" Dustin asks and I blush.

"I don't know how," I reply and Dustin smirks at me.

"Come on, Maddie. You threw your pocket knife at a monster from a different dimension and you swang a bat at another one! Dancing is the last thing you could fail at," Dustin says, pulling me into the crowd of dancing couples with him. He puts his hands on my waist, me placing my hands on his shoulders. We start to move to the slow song, actually doing pretty good.

"You know, I saw you holding hands with Mike in the tunnels..." Dustin trails off and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Dustin, Mike is like a brother to me. At first, we hate each other, but then we get closer and realize, that we actually really like each other," I say and he nods.

"Well, then I'm glad to be your friend," Dustin states and I slightly shake my head.

"You're much more to me than you think. You're much more than a friend to me," I say, making him look into my eyes.

"I-I am?" he stutters out and I nod, a small smile on my face. We continue to dance, looking into each other's eyes as the song 'Every Breath You Take' starts playing. We stare into each other's eyes, me completely drowning. Not even realizing it, we lean in closer, softly kissing the other on the lips. We pull away, eyes wide.

"You don't know, for how long I've been waiting to do that," Dustin mutters and I shortly laugh, wrapping my hands around his neck, pulling him closer.

"I liked it, though," I whisper in his ear, still swaying to the music.

MADELINE, dustin hendersonWhere stories live. Discover now