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The final bell rings and me and my sister are at our lockers.

"Hey Max, Maddie. Have you seen Dustin? We're supposed to meet after class." we hear Lucas's voice. Max and I grab our skateboards, throw the locker doors closed, and walk away.

"Max," Lucas says, following us. We walk outside of the school.

"Hey, Max. Hey, where are you going? Come on! Maddie!" he keeps talking and I roll my eyes.

"We gotta go look for Dart!" Lucas states and I scoff.

"Yeah, good luck with that," I say.

"What is wrong with you two?" Lucas asks in confusion.

"What is wrong with us? What is wrong with you!" Max exclaims.

"I don't understand!" Lucas shouts.

"No!" I shout louder, me and my sister turning to him. "We don't understand!" I state.

"You guys act like you want us to be your friends, but then you just treat us like garbage!" Max shouts at Lucas.

"That's not true," he says and I scoff again.

"Yes, it is," I mutter.

"You're just going hiding in the AV room, giving secrets like we're in 2nd grade or something. No, we thought you guys wanted us in your Party!" Max states.

"We do, but it's..." he trails off.

"But what!" me and my sister say at the same time.

"You guys can't tell us things that are happening, why!" I shout.

"For your own safety," Lucas replies.

"For our own safety?" Max asks in disbelief.

"Yes!" Lucas agrees and I roll my eyes.

"Because we're girls?" Max states.

"What? No!" he says.

"Did you keep secrets from El?" I ask, slightly quieter. He trails off for a second.

"How do you know about El," he suddenly asks.

"Did you?" Max says.

"That was different, trust me. That was just... just different," Lucas exclaims.

"You know what? Forget it, okay? We don't want to be in your stupid Party anyway! I'm out," Max states and walks away, while I stay for a little longer.

"Have a nice life, Sinclair," I say and walk after my sister.

"Max, Maddie!" he shouts after us.

"You still stink, by the way!" Max yells. We hop on our skateboards and ride down towards Billy's car.

"That kid you were talking to. Who is he?" Billy asks as we reach the car.

"No one," me and Max say in unison, sitting in the car.

"No one?" he asks back.

"He's a kid from our class," Max concludes. We sit in the car, Billy lighting his cigarette.

"Why was he talking to you," he asks.

"It's nothing, he's just a person from our class," I reply and look out the window.

"Then why are you so upset," Billy says and I scoff.

"We are not!" I state.

"He causing you trouble?" he asks.

"Why do you care!" Max says, looking at him.

"Because, Max, you're a piece of shit, but we're family now. Whether we like it or not. Meaning I'm stuck with you two now," Billy responds.

"What would I ever do without yo—" Max gets cut off by Billy's hand on her wrist.

"Hey! This is serious shit, okay? I'm older than you and something you learn is that there's certain type of people in this world, that you stay away from," Billy says, looking deeply into Max's eyes.

"And that kid Max, that kid's one of them. You stay away from him, you hear me? Stay away," he adds and lets his grip on Max's hand lose, making Max push her hand away. Billy drives away from the parking spot.


The next day, Billy pulls up in front of the arcade.

"You're not out in an hour—"

"We're walking home. Yeah, yeah, I know," Max cuts him off.

"Hey! Watch the attitude," Billy states and I roll my eyes. We grab our skateboards and close the car door. Billy drives away, making Max flip him off.

"Come on, Max," I say, pulling her inside of the arcade. We walk towards Dig Dug, seeing the 'out of order' sign.
After Keith talks to us about it, we head to the backroom, where should be another machine.

"Hold these," he says, handing Max his Cheetos bag. He unlocks the door and we see Lucas. He just smiles at us as we walk inside.

"You better get me that date now, Sinclair," Keith says.

"I told you I would—"

"No, no. Keep things PG in here, alright?" he cuts Lucas off and then winks at me and Max, closing the door behind him. I frown.

"What is this shit, stalker?" Max asks the Sinclair boy.

"I'm sorry, I just needed a safe place." he stands up.

"A safe place to what, be even more creepy?" I ask.

"Listen, I'm gonna tell you the truth about everything that happened last year. But if anyone finds out, you could be arrested... possibly killed," he says and I furrow my eyebrows again.

"Killed?" Max asks sarcastically.

"I need to know. Do you accept the risk?" Lucas looks between me and Max.

"God, this is so stupid!" Max says.

"Do you accept the risk?" Lucas asks again and I nod.

"I accept," I say and he smiles at me.

"You what, Maddie?" Max asks me and I turn to her.

"Max, please. Let's just give it a shot," I say and she looks to the ground.

"Yeah, okay. Fine. I accept the risk," she exclaims and we sit down on the stools.

"Let's hear it," she says, crossing her arms on her chest.

"Last year, Will didn't get lost in the woods. He got lost somewhere else..."

MADELINE, dustin hendersonWhere stories live. Discover now