Today.Today is the day.All my stuff is in my car and im ready for the few days drive back to Washington.I'm making my decision whether im staying for sure or only for a few weeks based on what tessa is like.If she is happy and with someone else then I will only stay a few weeks.I never want to take her happiness away from her ive done that once and it crushed me.If she's not with anyone then I will stay.i wouldnt be able to stay full time knowing shes with someone that isn't me.

2 days later.

I arrive in Washington and I dont really know what im doing I've been driving around the block by Karen and dad's house for the last hour trying to figure out what to say. I still haven't quite figured out what I'm going to do but when have I ever known the right thing to say.I take a deep breath and drive up the long driveway leading to the huge house ive actually missed.I sit in my car for a second debating if I actually want to do this.I was going to just walk in but It doesn't feel right any more.I knock the door and i can see Karen walking towards the door.

"Hel-" She just stands there in utter shock.

"Hi." This is beyond akward.She still hadnt said anything shes just standing there and she looks like she just seen a ghost.

"Ken.Ken.Ken come here now."

"What is it hon-" Im actaully really happy to see everyone.Ive missed them all.

"Hardin!Hardin is that really you!" My dad pulls me in for a tight hug and im ok with it now.Going to therapy has actually helped get rid of my anger towards my father.I still have an issue with him but its no where near as bad as before.

"I cant believe your actaully here.Come in!" I take my shoes off and go into the kitchen.They both are still staring at me and its annoying now.

"Ok can you please stop staring at me." No one's really said anything yet.

"You have a lot of explaining to do realise that dont you" I can tell they are getting angry now which i expected.I did dissappear for 3 years with no word.

"I know.i will start at the beginning. Im sure you know that I was extremly depressed and suicidal before I left and im sure Tessa has probably told you what happend.After tessa left i packed my stuff and I just drove.I didn't know where I was going but I ended up in California.I was living there and thats when I decided to get my life together.I went to therapy and I was also on suicide watch for quite a while but that was before and i decided to come back...for however long." I choose not to tell them that im choosing how long I stay based on what tessa is like.

"But why didn't you tell us.You cut of all contact with everyone." I can tell Karen is upset.

"Som I don't think you realise how serious this is.We almost had a funeral for you.We had assumed that you had taken your life after no one had heard from you and tessa she-" My dads cut off by a banging noise behind me.

"Hardin." Tessa stands there in cruches with a cast on her leg and Landon standing behind her.A tear rolls down her cheek. I walk over to her but im not sure what to do.Her hand raises and she slaps me right across the face.She turns around and goes back upstairs i go to follow her but Landon stops me.

"Give her a minute ok and its amazing to see you man." I decide to listen and sit down again.Landon joins his mum on the sofa.

"Sorry what were you saying dad?"

"Oh im just saying I dont think you know how serious this is.Youre listed dead.They ruled your disappearance a suicide based on your mental state and Tessa also suffered too.She went into hospital because of her mental state.She thinks its her fault that you killed yourself but your not actaully dead and-" fuck.ive messed up big time.I thought all of this would be in the past but I guess I've got some more things i need to fix.

Hessa.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora