Be Careful What You Wish For

Start from the beginning

Kakyoin pointed at the house, "Is his father a Stand user, as well?"

Joseph turned to face the red haired man, "Yes, but I don't know what sort of Stand it is."

"Given how his father has treated us, it's hard to imagine he'll help us." Spoke Caesar.

"Leave this all to me." Joseph shifted his gaze to the house, "I'll try talking to his father." Polnareff let out a small sigh and started walking down the path towards the beach.

Once the French man was well out of ear shot and the sun had begun to set along the horizon, you spoke to the rest of your companions. "Wow, don't any of you feel kind of bad about lying to him? I hate seeing him so depressed."

Kakyoin shook his head, "It was the best course of action to make sure no one figured out where Avdol was recovering. Polnareff is loud and terrible at lying, he'd definitely give it away."

You scratched the back of your neck while looking in the direction the French man left in, "Yes, I suppose you're right..."

Joseph stroked his chin, "Well, I suppose it should be fine to tell him now. He'd find out the moment we get on the submarine I asked him to arrange. Although, I'm sure Avdol wants to surprise him himself."

Avdol opened the door of the house and stuck his head out, "You're correct about that, Mr. Joestar. But (Y/N), why don't you go comfort him until I show up. It's gonna be a while before I clean off all this." He gestured to his grey hair.

"Well, okay then. I'll see you soon, I guess." You hummed softly to yourself as you followed Polnareff's footsteps to the beach.

However, when you got there, he was nowhere to be found. The sun had fully set leaving you in the darkness for the few moments you waited for your eyes to adjust. You noticed some odd skid marks along the sand as if a short battle had taken place. You walked over to an unusual parting in the nearby plants and you were surprised to see a bunch of gold coins in a hole among other things of value. Just outside the mini crater sat an antique golden oil lamp with a few barnacles along the side. It was all quite suspicious.

You brought out your Stand, "Hey, Kars. Could you find where Jean is for me?"

He sighed, "You only ever bring me out when you need me for something..."

"Sorry about that, Kars. But it's mostly because Caesar and Joseph almost have a heart attack every time I bring you out. Also, you haven't exactly done much to try and change our minds about you."

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, leaning against a tree, "It's not like I was trying to kill you or anything. I was just going to kidnap you and kill all your companions..." He trailed off, "Well, I suppose I can see why you and your friends might not trust me." He combed through his hair with his fingers before pushing himself off the side of the tree and trudging along the ground out of the forest, "Just follow me..."

You obliged, following the ultimate being as you made your way through the field. It's not like he needed to walk anymore, but he seemed to almost savor the feeling of having his feet upon the ground again. Perhaps floating around in the emptiness of space for fifty years before his death had led him to enjoy such things.

Kars held up an arm, signaling for you to stop, "Someone else is not too far from here. I did not quite notice before, but they seem to be beneath the ground. Not buried, just beneath. It isn't any of your companions so it is likely an enemy." His right hand morphed into some green goo before taking the shape of a bird you had seen on the island earlier. It took flight and sped off in one direction. "I assume finding Polnareff is your priority, the bird will keep watch on the unknown person."

You gave Kars a genuine smile, impressed that he was actually going out of his way now to help out. Then, in the distance, you spotted the familiar hairstyle of Polnareff who seemed to be weaving around the grass, chasing after something, moving farther and farther away. You could just barely make out that he was shouting, "Sherry!" You realized that was the name of his sister. You exchanged a look with Kars before his arms shifted into wings. He waited a moment for you to wrap your arms around his neck so you could hold on. He pushed off the ground and soared on by before landing gracefully next to Polnareff who was now laying on the ground with blood oozing out of his shoulder. You almost missed the sight of a naked woman diving through the plants.

You let go of Kars as you rushed to to the French man's side. "J-Jean! What happened?!"

Polnareff looked around as best he could in his position, frightened. His voice was hoarse, "(Y/N)! W-What are you... M-my... Sherry..."

You looked at Kars as if to ask if the woman was the other source of body heat. He shook his head. You extended your hand out to the ultimate being and he used his bone blade to cut along your pointer finger. You let the liquid drip along the French man's wound, closing it up for the time being.

"I'm sorry that I bit you, brother." You heard a feminine voice from within the plants. "My body's not complete yet. But if I eat your flesh, brother, I'll return to normal. It's okay if I eat you, right?  And you'll tell that lady to go away, too. You always did what I asked you to."

She leaped out of the plants, diving for Polnareff. Kars swiftly kicked in her direction and she retreated back amongst the plants in the field. You helped Polnareff sit up as he called out, "Cameo!"

On a close by barren tree, a robotic looking figure poofed in with a flash of color. "What is it?"

"Y-You bastard!" Yelled Polnareff.

The thing that you supposed was some sort of Stand pointed with its three fingered hand, "What? Do you have a complaint? I granted your wish. My only power is to grant wishes. The rest is up to you."

"Th-Then I'll tell you my third wish! Make my sister..." Polnareff grit his teeth as tears dripped down the sides of his face. His hand wrapped around yours, holding it so tightly you thought it might break, "Make my sister disappear! Return her to the earth!"

The thing called Cameo laid along the branch, "Nooope!"

"What?!" Exclaimed Polnareff.

"You still don't get it, Polnareff? I'm a Stand! I'm the Stand that suggests the Judgement card! My power is to grant wishes people hold deep in their hearts, giving them form from dirt. You made your own sister, from your own heart! Anything you created, I cannot unmake." Judgement laughed, "I win this battle! By the way... you said something about a third wish, but you've already made your third wish haven't you?"

You looked worriedly at Polnareff, "What is he talking about?"

The French man's eyes were wide in terror, "Y-You don't mean..."

Whatever it was, you didn't like the sound of this.

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