Fred x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 6: Cluetopia

Start from the beginning

We look at the floor and see that he's right. Even so, we need to make sure if he really is innocent or not.

"Are you continuing the work of your old pal, Jonathan Jacobo?" Fred asks.

"Old pal? Jacobo? We hated each other. In the prison cafeteria, he used to steal my Tater Tots!" Wickles exclaims. "And he got the lead in 'My Fair Lady'."

"If you and Jonathan Jacobo hated each other, then maybe you'd care to explain why my father's old journal was in your library?" I ask, holding up the same journal. "Just what did you have against my parents, anyway?"

"Now listen here, young lady, I wasn't the one who killed them, if that's what you're getting at. I had nothing against them, especially your mother. Jacobo was the one who was infatuated with her, not me," Wickles says, making me and the others confused and also curious. "In college, he asked her to go out with him, but your mother, she rejected him because she was already engaged to your father by then. Jacobo never got over it. He was practically her stalker and declared in front of the whole school that he was going to make her regret it."

That's what happened? Then...does that mean that Jacobo was the one who killed my parents? No point in asking him now, though, since he's dead.

"Then why did we find the monster book in your library?" Velma asks.

"Wait a second. You're the runts what vandalized my home," says Wickles. My friends and I then start to avert our eyes from him, feeling a little guilty from that incident, even though we were trying to make it out alive from the Black Knight Ghost. "Which one of you stole my toilet brush?"

"Um...Gentlemen," one of the investors say, gesturing for them all to leave. "I'm sorry, Jeremiah."

"What happened? I haven't finished! Wait, fellas!" Wickles pleads, while the investors grab their suitcases and leave.

(3rd) POV:

Meanwhile, somewhere in the mines, Dean and the Triple S end up in some creepy lab.

"Wowee, guys! I think we're onto something," Shaggy says.

"You know, I think you might be right, Shags," says Sam. "Looks like we're in some kind of laboratory."

"Let's take a look around," Dean says as him and the Triple S leave the elevator.

When they do, however, the elevator goes back up.

"This place is like Clue-topia, Scoob," says Shaggy.

"Reah," says Scooby. While looking around, something catches Scooby's eye. "Refrigerator!" he opens it, taking a look at all the bizarre fluids in glass containers. "Mmm, lemonade!"

Scooby Doo licks the yellow stuff, but it does something weird to him.

"Check it out. Look at those weird letters, Scoob," Shaggy says.

When Shaggy, Sam and Dean look at Scoob, they become shocked by what they see.

"Raggy? Ram? Rean?" Scooby asks, confused on why they're looking at him like that.

"Uh, Scoob?" Dean asks.

"You turned into a freaky monster," says Shaggy.

Scooby quickly takes a look at himself in a nearby mirror and screams in horror.

"You don't eat stuff that glows, Scoob," Sam lectures, him and Dean removing the potions from Scooby so that he doesn't end up drinking something weird again.

3rd Scooby-Doo sequel/Scooby-Doo Monsters UnleashedWhere stories live. Discover now