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As the four Spartans ran towards the structure, they were suddenly attacked by several Phantoms, forcing them to take cover. Suddenly a red Phaeton appeared and cleaved one of the Phantoms apart with its chin mounted beam weapon, before unleashing several missiles at another one, sending it careening to the ground. The other two broke off their attack on the Spartans to focus on the Phaeton, which then turned and flew away with the Phantoms in pursuit. Two other Phaetons joined the pursuit and shot down the Phantoms, clearing the way for the Spartans.

"Looks as though the Prometheans regard us as allies.", Kelly said with a mild amount of shock in her tone.

"Keep yourselves focused Blue Team. The Oracle said to head into the Pyramid to meet 632. Once we get there, we can plan out how we'd meet him.", Chief said. Linda seemed to show unease in her armor and Fred touched her shoulder.

"Linda, how do you and 632 know each other? You said something about childhood friends.", he asked her. Linda sighed before she began to explain.

"When I was younger, 632 moved into my hometown. He was a bit excessive when it came to bullies, but his methods taught them not to pick on certain people. Me and him went on walks together, played games, even talked about certain things that crossed our minds. Even when we were drafted and trained, he showed prowess. He passed all the tests well, demonstrated great hand to hand combat capabilities and the augmentations affected him much better than the rest of us. But when we gained our armor and me and him were sent on a mission when we were 19, he was shot from behind and his thruster pack was disabled. I couldn't head back to help him before the Covenant transport we had flown away from was blown up. I didn't see him survive the explosion so I assumed he was dead. I kept missing him for days. And now, knowing he's alive...I wonder if he recognises me after 20 years.", she explained. Kelly gently hugged her teammate.

"I'm sure he will, if he sees your face. Hopefully he'll remember all of us. We all interacted with him before we gained our armor.", she said warmly. Those words cheered Linda up slightly and she nodded to her teammate and best friend before they continued their journey throughout the landscape. They soon arrived at a rectangular console which played a certain tune to them.

"Oly Oly Oxen Free...haven't heard that in a long time.", Fred said in confusion. Linda hesitantly reached out to the console and touched the screen before moving one of the symbols to the center, which caused it to activate and the platform they were standing on to lower and begin moving towards the Pyramid. It docked with another platform and the four of them stepped off. Suddenly a voice was heard on their comms.

"Whoever dares to step foot near the Pyramid of Harmonic Resonance better come up with a damn good explanation and quick before I kill you myself.", an angry voice ordered at them. Chief instantly responded.

"Spartan 632, this is Sierra 117 of Blue Team. We wish to speak with you regarding the UNSC.", he said.

"117 huh? I'll believe that when I see it myself! Also, if you're here to take me back to those ONI scumbags, don't bother. I'm not going anywhere. Last guy who tried it got vaporized, don't make the same mistake they did!", the voice replied before the communication channel terminated. The four Spartans looked at each other in unease.

"He seems on edge.", Fred said in worry.

"He's probably just paranoid.", Kelly said trying to diffuse the tension they felt.

"He did say that ONI betrayed him, so maybe he just wants to make sure we weren't sent here by them.", Linda added on. Chief was just thinking about what the voice had said.

"He must have some serious weapons if he vaporized the last person who attempted to apprehend him.", he said in concern. The four Spartans sped up towards the Pyramid, picking up the pace in order to intercept the rogue Spartan. They soon arrived to find themselves face to face with the Warden who they had encountered earlier.

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