"That's strange. I never heard of such a thing before from my moms research. Lincoln never mentioned it either" Daisy said and Evelyn led them all to the yard where the horses are

"Everyone can ride right?" Evelyn asked as she jumped on Barney. Daisy got on Snowy, Ophelia got on Betsy and then Angel was on Rocky. Evelyn turned Barney around and the other 3 horses followed.

They went for a good 2 hour ride before returning to see a Zara, Nat, Luna and Bucky stood at the stables

"What have I done?" Angel asked instantly

"Nothing, we just came to check up on everyone... oh hey Daisy" Luna smiled

"So you are here then Z" Daisy smiled as they jumped off the horses and put them in the stables.

"Yeah, I guess I have some explaining to do with you" Zara said

"Evie explained enough Z" Daisy answered as the 4 walked upto the others

"Oh... of course she did" Zara nodded her head slightly.

"Lets all go eat something inside then talk" Evelyn suggested and they all went into the kitchen. Evelyn shared her fudge with Ophelia, Luna and Angel while the parents were boring and drank coffee with some cookies.

"So... what did I miss?" Luna asked

"Intense training" Ophelia laughed

"That intense you called in your mom?" Luna raised an eyebrow

"Oh yeah, I told her about Evies powers and yeah she wanted to test her" Ophelia explained

"Sounds amazing, sad I missed it" Luna said and Angel laughed

"Woulda switched places with you no doubt"

"What's that suppose to mean?" Evelyn asked

"Love you sis" Angel said with a guilty smile

"Whatever Lina" Evelyn said as she felt Ophelia place her hand on her knee.

"Hey we should continue the research, you two wanna go find some books in the library for us?" Ophelia asked

"If we can find it yeah" Angel said and she walked off with Luna.

"Let's go Ophelia" Evelyn smiled and the two walked to Evelyn's room and switched off all alarms besides the one which alerts them when someone is 3 doors away. The two smiled at each other, switched on the computer and started pulling up their work.

"So, what are we?" Ophelia asked as she twirled her hair

"Wh-what do you mean?" Evelyn asked

"Well, after last night... we should talk on what it makes us... a couple maybe?" Ophelia asked

"Um, well I never dated anyone before... I don't know if I could even be a good girlfriend" Evelyn explained as she typed

"I only dated one woman in my file, her name was Meldoy May, Isabellas sister... didn't end well we got into a fight, I wanted kids in the future and she didn't, so we went on a break and then she died in action on a mission with Isabella, Cheyenna and me... put me off dating but when I saw you I got hope again" Ophelia smiled as she looked from her lap upto Evelyn's eyes

"We are so messed up... this is gonna be out cure" Evelyn smiled and the two ended up kissing.

"Incoming" the system said and the two pulled away and acted like they were working. Luna and Angel walked in with several books

"We found your dads name and age and a possible reason why you were even born" Angel said

"I'm happy with the first two and not so glad about the way you phrased the last one" Evelyn said giving a slight glare to her sister

"Sorry... I just am not use to it... still" Angel said

"What do you mean?" Luna asked

"Well all of my family bloodline is powered. Luna, you and your brother have the powers of super strength, my older sister and brother are inhumans. I am just a girl who wasn't even allowed to fight until 3 months ago" Angel explained and placed the books down and ran out.

"I'll talk to her, its normal..." Luna said and ran of after her. Evelyn slammed her hands against her desk

"Hey calm down" Ophelia said and she grabbed Evelyn's hands and held them tight

"I shouldn't of brought her in on it" Evelyn said and Ophelia hugged her tightly

"Its not your fault Evie..." Ophelia comforted and soon felt Evelyn go limp as she fell asleep. Ophelia smiled and carried Evie over to the bed and led her in it and put the covers over her.
"Dumbie, need to control your emotions and absorbing mine" Ophelia whispered as she felt the alter in her body of emotions from Evie

"Leah! The Kree, they are here" Daisy whispered from the doorway

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