Mhm third time

21 3 22

Jesus... I've been TAGGED!!!

Here I will express and explain MY OPINION on some topics, and you may or may not agree with me, I understand if you don't want to read it or even remotely see it so I'm going to put these (***) before and after MY OPINION, again I'm sorry if you do read it and do not want to, that is NOT my choice.

Here I will express and explain MY OPINION on some topics, and you may or may not agree with me, I understand if you don't want to read it or even remotely see it so I'm going to put these (***) before and after MY OPINION, again I'm sorry if you ...

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1. Not unless I hear about it

2. Yes I have one?🤮

3. joke I was about to put 4....ANYWAYS-


Can't choose

5. Literally you know who you are, and you know your place 😘💛

6. Hmmm
Prolly Momma
Bc the others I have are obnoxious, like...not all of them but most of them are

7. ... N E I T H E R

8. Imma female so she/her
But I don't care call me whatever 😑😐

9. Omfg...yes... I've been asked out wayyyyy to many times in my opinion by the SAME three guys 🤮🤮🤮

10. I believe I've said this before, if you don't agree with me then you don't and that's your opinion, sorry to those who hate me after this.


In all seriousness, I personally do not believe in the "soulmate system" I don't understand it I don't want to and quite frankly it's naive, your heart will get beaten and bruised and no one will give a damn okay? Yeah I mean I do believe that you can have a "crush" believe me I've had one, but-


- Honestly if you admire someone you find them interesting, then you start picking out features about them that you find "attractive" then you start to fantasize what it would be like to be with them, you soon will "fall" for the person You picture they are, then you soon develop a crush, depending on how hard you fantasized or "fell" the crush will vary in depth.
I do believe that you can have feelings for someone but you honestly can never tell how they will actually be with you in a relationship. I also don't understand the point of saying "I love you" within a NON-SERIOUS relationship, they may or may not (they do most of the time) leave you. And if you do love someone or do believe in the "soulmate system" I'm sorry that I don't believe in it as well, it confuses me every time I think about it, the thought of ONE SPECIFIC PERSON being "created" specifically for ONE person on the other part of the world, I just don't understand it, and there are many loopholes to this and many undesirable outcomes to this. For example, if your "soulmate" dies, and you find another person to love and you consider them as your "new soulmate" do they just get replaced like a used toy? And how do you KNOW that someone is your "soulmate"? I don't understand on how you can verify this ideal, also are there qualifications to it for each separate person? I honestly don't like the idea or thought of this system for these specific reasons, Again I'm am truly sorry if you do not agree with me.

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