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Connor X OC

It had been almost a month since you started working at a small fruit table in the market in Boston. It was a dull job but it was a living and you did meet some pretty interesting people who passed by or even stopped to buy something. One boy, in particular, stopped by almost everyday and talked to you until his ‘friend’ Achilles forced him to leave.


You learned  a lot about him throughout the few weeks he came to talk. First of all, his name was Ratonhnhaké:ton but he used the name Connor with colonials. Secondly, he was awfully shy. You thought he was the cute kind of shy but to him, it was horrible.

You were stacking some apples when a pair of large hands covered your eyes, you jumped and made a small surprised squeak.

“Guess who?” a deep yet somewhat soothing voice whispered.

“Hmm... Who could it be?” You pretended to ponder,”Could it be the lovely Ratonhnhaké:ton?”

He lifted his hands and you spun around to look at him. he wore a small grin and soft eyes.

“How are you today Y/N?”

“I’m quite alright. to what do I owe this visit?”

Connor rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, “I was..would you like to join me for lunch?.”

“I would love to,” you grinned, “Just let me close up shop and then we can go.”

You usually closed up shop at around 3:00 but you made an exception for today for Connor. It was a slow day anyway so you doubted that you’d lose much business. You carefully but quickly placed all the fruits and vegetables in 2 baskets then threw a thin sheet over your little stand. you picked up the heavy baskets, one in each hand and started walking back to your home.

“Do you want help?” Connor asked, he clearly saw that you were struggling with the baskets.

You handed him one of the baskets and walked slightly ahead of you. All he was wearing was a pair of brown trousers and a very thin satin shirt. you could see the muscles in his arm and shoulder flex as he carried the fruit-filled basket to the front door of your small home.

“Thank you very much Connor,” you opened your door and let him inside. “Im going to change out of this, make yourself at home.”

You stepped into your bedroom and stripped your dirty work clothes off and threw them in a pile

on the floor then searched your small wardrobe to find something suitable. you had trouble deciding on what to wear so you decided to ask him where you both would be going for lunch. He told you it was a surprise, not helpful. you ended up choosing a simple but pretty blue dress. However, knowing Connor, you’d likely have to climb a bit to get to the destination so you put on a pair of shorts under your dress. you fixed up your hair in the mirror then stepped back into the hall. There you saw your lovely date looking at some trinkets you had on the mantle.

“I’m ready,” you announced. Connor turned to face you and his cheeks turned rosy.

“you look very beautiful Y/N.” he stammered.

“Thank you, you look pretty handsome yourself,” you replied.

“Shall we go?” Connor held an elbow out for you to grasp. you wrapped your arm around his and strolled out the door.

You both walked around and talked about nothing and everything. He bought  soup and bread at a small restaurant then he bought ice cream cones for the both of you. he had managed to lace his fingers between yours while walking on a warm, sandy beach.

“Hey. Y/N?”


“I think I love you…”

You stopped walking and turned so you were face-to-face. you searched his face for moment to see if it hinted that what he just said was a lie. You hoped to god it wasn’t a lie because you secretly  loved him too.

“I..I think I love you too.” you glanced down, you could feel your cheeks turning beet red.

“please look at me, Y/N.” He tilted your head up slightly with his finger beneath your chin.

you both just stared at each other’s faces, you could see connor’s eyes dart to your eyes then you lips then back to your eyes. he moved the hand the was beneath your chin to your cheek and snaked the other around your waist to pull you closer the he finally kissed you. He had soft, warm lips, the kind you could kiss for hours.

He was hesitant at first, just barely touching your lips but he soon relaxed and moved his lips with yours. You couldn’t describe how amazing that kiss was, a mix of passion, lust, and love. When Connor pulled away, you couldnt help but smile.

“Would you like to be my girlfriend Y/N?” He grinned but still looked nervous as if after today i’d still turn him down.

“Of course Connor.” He laughed happily and wrapped you up in his arms.

Connor walked you to your door after the date, it was already dusk and the stars were starting to come out.

“I had a really good time tonight,” you said and wrapped your arms around his neck.

“I did too,” he smiled and kissed you for the millionth time that day.

“Hey, why don’t you just stay here tonight?”

“I don’t know if I shou-” you grabbed his arm and pulled him in your house, once he was inside you pressed your body against his.

“Bedroom is this way.”

Sorry it's pretty bad, feel free to leave some constructive critism! Hopefully, I'll get better over time

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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