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Gasping for breath, a young woman ran, clutching a small infant close to her. Big golden eyes look back at his mother, as he cooed inquisitively. "Hush, my love. It'll be all right. Just need to get you somewhere safe, and then we can rest." The woman screamed in anguish as an arrow went through her leg, making her stagger towards a tree. She sobbed and hid the infant into a tree hole, placing a locket around his neck, and a letter in his lap. The infant whimpered, wondering why his mother was sad. 

Muttering a prayer and spell under her breath, she watched as small pale blue orb floated out of her child's head, and into the charm around his neck. Giving him a watery smile, his mother kissed his head and sent him off to sleep with sweet dreams. Running away as quickly as she could with her injury, she finally let her tears fall as she knew her boy would be safe and would rise again, as she face death, unaware of two beings watching the whole scene. 

Once the danger passed, a nymph walked out of tree and smiled sadly at the teary eyed infant. "Hey little one. I'm sorry you had to see such a horrible scene, it's always so terrible to lose your parents, even worse to witness it. I wish I could take care  you, but the ancient laws forbid me. But I know an excellent home for you!" Cradling the infant, she teleported them to a small farm, kissed the child's head, blessing him with powers of Nature, summoned a beautiful cradle, knocked on the door and vanished.

Heavy foot steps echoed through the house, when the door opened slowly, and a farmer stepped out wiping his eyes. "Hello?" He called, looking around into the night. "Damn kids." He muttered, closing the door halfway when a impatient wail echoed in the night. "Wha--?" The farmer tilted his head, peeling the blanket to see the curious child watching him. His eyes soften, as he picked up the baby. "Hey kiddo, what do you say we get you something to eat." His giant hands cradled the elf child to his chest as his wife scurried up to them cooing over the child.

She noticed the charm around the baby's neck, and read the elegant writing. "Ezra..Nightbloom. Ezra, huh? What a heroic name for a beautiful boy." She pulled back the blanket, seeing his raven skin, long ears coming to a point, and a crescent moon on his left cheek. "I see, your last name makes sense now, Ezra. I don't know where you came from, but just know you are safe and loved." She kissed her head as her husband chuckled, kissing her temple. 

"The gods have answered our prayers, Elaine." "Yes, they did, Adrian." The nymph who delivered Ezra to the gentle couple, smiled at the scene.

'Ezra, huh? Stay strong, stay true, and show us all what kind of hero, you'll be one day.' 

Blades of Light and Shadow, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now