Chapter 1, part 2

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*In the forest*

Sprinting through the woods, Ezra felt his heart race as a shriek echoed through the night. "Remember Ezra! Owlbears are carnivorous beasts with great strength and limited intellect! They fear fire and are easily startled." Ezra slid down the hill, leaving a dust trail behind and knelt to the ground, watching the scene in front "Stay back! Please?" asked/demanded an old man hugging a tree. He waved his staff trying to wave him off. Unfazed the enraged owlbeast rose on its hind legs, and shrieked again.

"Kade, Nia stand back. I've got this." He spoke lowly, before aiming his late father's dagger and hurling it with scary good precision. The blade sunk deep into the beasts leg, making it growl in pain. "I've got more where that came from." Ezra threatened. It growled locking eyes on the elf, before preparing to attack. Using his heighten elven senses, Ezra watched thick muscles tighten a millisecond before it swung its heavy paw towards the young elf. Ezra rolled under its paw.

"Yes! Two points Ezra, zero points owlbear!" cheered Kade. Thron off-balance, the injured creature crashed into a tree. It staggered back, shaking its head. It screeched at Ezra; it was hurt badly, and furious. "Watch out! It's going to charge!" Nia cried. Studying the beast, Ezra pulled out his sword, and put it to the side, out of his reach, and held up his empty hands, locking eyes with the owlbear.

"I understand now. You were just protecting your owlet-cubs. I'm sorry we disturbed your family. I am also sorry for injuring you. Will you let me heal you?" Ezra asked softly, making his way towards the beast before he was crouching in front of the beast. "Ezra! What are you doing?" Kade exclaimed, shocked at his brother's actions. "Making amends." The elf stated before holding a hand out in front of the beast. It hissed at him before watching its owlet-cubs flutter towards the white haired being.

They licked him and cooed happily as he ran a hand over their feathers. Taking note of her distraction, Ezra took out some ointment and gently removed the knife and applied the healing medicine. The creature sighed in relief before nuzzling Ezra and ushering her children along. "Go on, follow your mother." He chided the littlest owlet-cub, who hurried to catch up with his family.

"Nothing to it." Ezra chuckled, cleaning his blade, and sheathing it in his thigh holster. "You really got it to go away! Ezra, that was amazing!"Nia cheered, starting to throw her arms around the elf but stops and backs away, embarrassment clear on her cheeks. She twirled a piece of hair in her fingers, fidgeting. "I mean....I am very grateful for your service." She corrected. "My pleasure. If I had it my way working with animals would be an every day occurrence." In front of you, the old man climbs down from the tree and approaches the group. Ezra eyed his priest robes, cloak, and the many viles on his person.

"Thank you, kind strangers! Without you, I wouldn't know what I would've done." "Mister, it was really no trouble." Ezra shrugged. Nia and Kade smile at Ezra, brown and green eyes filled with wonder. "Maybe for you it wasn't, but we didn't stand a chance on our own. We're in your debt." "The Light blesses those who help travelers in need. It will shine upon you two. "It's not a sack of coin, but I'll take it." The old man swooped into a deep bow before the brothers.

"I am Scholar Vash Vallerin, High Priest of the Light. I see you've already met my apprentice, Nia." He sent a warm smile towards the two men, as Nia spoke up. "I'm sorry, Scholar...I tried to use the Light to ward off the owlbear, but the magic wasn't powerful enough. " "No need to apologize, my dear. You are still a novice, and have never had to use battle magic in a real scenario. You did what you could." Scholar Vash soothed Nia.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. You can use magic? I've never met a mage before!" Kade looked at the two with sparkles in his eyes. "One day, Nia will be a great priestess, healing the sick, protecting the weak, holding the darkness of the world at bay! For now though, she's still training. We're on a pilgrimage to visit all of the temples of the Light throughout the kingdom. Is there one in your village, perhaps?" Vash asked.

Blades of Light and Shadow, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now