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ᛕɭคપร ๒คપɗεɭคίɼε


•You slid down the stair-railing.

• "Hello! My name is Y/N, I love lizards and children!"

• *sees Sunny and gasps*

•basically, you love Sunny more than him.

•jkjk 🥺

•Klaus is our babie.

• *whispers* so is Sunny.

۷ίѻɭεՇ ๒คપɗεɭคίɼε

• You're name is Y/N Squalor.

• so yeah...

• "hello my name is Y/N Squalor, and evening though I am extremely rich, you may call me by my real name, Y/N."

• Violet: 👁👄👁 into ❤️👄❤️

•at first, she hated you.

•a lot.

•like, you had to push them down the elevator.

•and when she saw you again, she smacked you :)

•but then she felt bad cause you started crying because your mom left you for Count Olaf.

•and then she was like 🥺.

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•you've known each other since birth.

•so he got into your pants easily ;)

•*breathes awkwardly*

ίรคɗѻɼค զપคց๓ίՇε

•The Vile Village.

•you help the Baudelaire's find the Quagmires.

•cause you saw Count Olaf's henchmen stuffing them into the crown statue 🤪⚡️

•Isa saw you and was like: aH. hOt.

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•you lost you f u c k i n g f i s h in a fire that destroyed your home.

•you were sad dude :(

•so you found the tunnels of *do doo dooo dooooo* VFD :D

•and you and Quigley saw each other.

• "who are you?"

• "who are you?"

• "I asked you first."

• "I already hate you."

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• The Slippery Slope.

• you were one of those campers.

•I haven't watched ASOUE in so long but I need to cause I have a Isadora fic I need to write.

• you helped her pick out some awesome outfits :)

•when you got to the top, she said this:

"I now declare myself false spring queen! And this lovely girl is my other queen."

• she grabbed your wrist and kissed you cheek, which made your nose scrunch up in cuteness 😊😊😊😊.

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