Throne room (continued)

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(Selozars pov cuz why not again)

Nothing I can do they all knew it was me it's over...hell all over again, who knows what they'll do with me torture? Kill me? I DON'T EVEN GET A GOOD FUTURE. If only I knew why I was framed. Why me? What did I do to deserve all those months of pain? Now I'll have to experience it again. My mind was all over the place I couldn't even hear what they were saying to me it was all so vivid. My mind decided to focus and the first thing I saw was four swords pointing at me. "Noo..." was all that came out of my mouth I failed...just to get stupid pages that could have been done faster and I wouldn't be in this situation. I'm stupid.

I didn't know what to say but try to convince them they were wrong "NO I'm Shaun guys" but it didn't work. the "YOU. YOU DEFEND THIS CREATURE" I hear Aresmons say to DI.
"Uhh hi...WAIT NO NO NO DON'T" I hear from DI. The second I turned to face DI and Aresmons I see a sword right through DIs Chest. No no no no no I'm all alone now.

Aresmons pushes me down on the floor. All I could see was DI struggling to breathe, his blood dripping all over the carpet. he won't survive he's gone...! I'm overwhelmed by all of this but I see Sarunem help him get up and get medical supplies since they didn't want anyone witnessing this. I was forced to the ground unable to get up Because Aresmons grasp to keep me down. I look over to Alone who had his sword in his hands but puts it away. I see him make a motion to Aresmons to back away, he then grabs me and pulls me away from the crowd's sight.

"You gotta believe me," I tell him he ignores. I already know what he was doing he was gonna beat me. He throws me on the ground I see him pull out the sword again...we already know what happened. Every hit made me want to cry out but not just that I wanted to fight back this time. I tried to strike a punch at Alone but foxicate had pulled me back. I was in pain all I screamed was "NOT THESE DAYS AGAIN" I hated everything I know I was dead. Alone continued to pull me around like I was a dog. "STOP" I screamed out. But to my surprise, he stopped for a few seconds and pulls me into the room, and lets Aresmons deal with me.

ARESMONS STOMP ON HIM" I hear Alone say while letting me go on the floor. All I felt was pain and all I could hear is them laughing.
I wanted to fight back but couldn't there was too many of them, all I wished during these moments of pain that Omen or Somebody would come through that bedroom door and make them stop. But nobody came only more pain was brought in... All I could do was scream out. "BRING BACK THOSE PAGES" I hear from foxicate. I heard the same from Alone expect in the end it was a death threat.

"FOOLS I AIN'T BRINGING SHIT" I yell out at them. Saying this only made them hurt me even more.
"That's enough. I'm gonna slam him against the grate." Alone says. Finally, Aresmons gets off of me making me feel relieved. But Alone immediately grabs and slams my head to the floor. "GOD OW OW OW" I screamed out at him "STOP" I begged. I've had enough of all of this all the courage I had was to say "YOU WILL PAY IN BLOOD" I yelled at him. This got his attention to stop and respond to me.
"You are paying in bruises," Alone said.

He then continued dragging the shit out of me on the grate ground. I didn't give up the only thing that could come through my mind was to yell out the one thing he lied about to everybody. "WHY DID YOU DO IT? WHY DID YOU FRAME ME?!" This left him speechless for a few seconds but it felt like minutes.
"...I'm gonna take him back to his little hole." I heard Alone say under his breath.
I'm not sure if anyone else heard it or just me but he dragged me out of the room as he dragged me out I heard him yell out to Aresmons to hold the crowd back.

"THIS HURTS THIS HUUUUURRTS" I cried out. No matter how much I scream beg or threat he didn't let go. I looked where he was dragging me he was heading towards the castle's door. Is he letting me go like he said I thought he was dragging me to a cell? I see him open the door the last glance of the inside I see is Aresmons shooing people with

Alone drops me on the cold rocky ground. "Don't you dare come back here again or else we will keep you captive or even kill you" he says to me while walking back inside, when he reaches for the door handle he turns to take one more glance at me which signaled me to go already and so I did. Running away even if I was hurt or not back into the farlands but I won't be returning with anything in hand to the hideout...
She's gonna be real disappointed in me.

Author: uhhh I got super lazy starting the chapter oops
Edit: I'm gonna correct all my grammar mistakes 😞

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