𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 ☁️

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Note: this is 3.3k words! Also I hope you enjoy this <3

Silently and sneakily, I tried to catch a wift of the amortentia love potion that was brewing in front of us. I thought it would have been somewhat interesting to see what aromas I would have smelt and who they would have reminded me of.
"Does anyone want to illustrate what they can smell?" Questioned Professor Slughorn curiously. For once in my life I actually believed that Hermione's hand would have shot up since she was the only enthusiastic student in the class however even her hand stayed put. "If no one puts themselves forth, I'll have too pick on one of you," he explained making it sound like a threat. Everyone stayed silent, not a word was spoken. Everyone seemed to slowly shift away from the potion leaving me the only one who was the closest to it. "Miss. Y/l/n, looks like it's going to be you. Go on take a wift," he insisted eagerly.

I travelled closer to the potion that was now bubbling and fuming while I slowly peered in the inside of the pot where I saw a bright ,pink ,glittery liquid glistening outstandingly. Inhaling a deep breath in, I took a sniff off the content that was put forth. As I deeply exhaled, a few flavours and scents seemed to hit me as I slightly wrinkled my nose. " it- it smells like rust and cologne .... peppermint and ...apples," I answered truthfully gulping because I knew exactly who it smelt of.

If I was being completely honest, I wasn't so sure if it was Malfoy since I had a crush on a couple of people during my time at hogwarts but Draco was the only one who blatantly stole my heart. He just didn't know.

Next was Pansy's turn. She took a deep breathe it and explained what she had smelt. "I uhh.. it smells like rust and cologne and ... peppermint and apples," she said proudly flashing a smile towards the platinum blonde haired boy who took no interest in her. He was absolutely beautiful. His chiseled and prominent jawline could have easily cut someone in half and his deep blue eyes were intimidating in a really good way.

Pansy fiddled with the hem of her robe while glancing over at Malfoy who stood all the way at the back of the class as if he didn't want to take part. It was no secret that she had a crush on him since forever but it always seemed as if he didn't like her the way she thought. He would always push or shove her away every time she tried to get close too him but it didn't make any sense since they were and still are dating.

Making her way back to her seat, she stopped near me and leaned in close towards my ear. "Y/l/n, I need to have a word with you," She sneered quietly. Unfortunately, I knew why she was going to have a chat with me.

"How come you smelt the same thing as ME?" She grumbled clenching her fists into tight balls.
"Well how am I supposed to know? I don't want to have anything to do with you and your cruel and vile boyfriend," I answered back fuming with anger. "Now if you'll excuse me I have better things to do than conversate with you," I snapped as if venom was laced into my voice while I turned around flicking my hair in her pug like defined face.

Draco's pov:
The whole day after potions class, Pansy was nagging about y/l/n about something to do with the way she spoke to her.If I was being honest I couldn't care less about Parkinson. She'd always follow me around like a lost puppy in hope that someone would take her. And let's say that someone would be me. I was practically forced to date Pansy since everyone and I mean EVERYONE including Blaise,Crabbe and Goyle wouldn't stop pestering me about going out with her so eventually I gave up and gave in.

If I was being completely honest, I stood all the way at the back of the class because I didn't want to get picked on or all of my secrets would have come clean. I was totally in love y/n y/l/n.

She was just so beautiful. Inside and out. Although she was a slytherin she was different. She would always treat people with respect and pure kindness unless they got up all in her face for instance Pansy. But why would someone want to get up all in her face in the first place?Sometimes I felt like she should have been placed into Gryffindor like Potter,weaselbee and that filthy mudblood. She was just so perfect in every single way and if it were possible I would have asked her out to the Yule ball but it was too late. Besides she wouldn't have wanted someone like me anyways. If only things were like that.

Y/n's pov:
The next day in potions we had a new seating plan since everyone wouldn't pay any attention to Professor Slughorn and he was getting tired of our outrageous behaviour. "Your ALL going to be assigned to a new seat and I don't want to hear a word about wether you like who your grouped with or not," he shouted in frustration making some of the students startled.

𝕯𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖔 𝕸𝖆𝖑𝖋𝖔𝖞 𝕴𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora