Me:" to be luck enough to die in the games???"

Cinna: "in some situation one can prefer to die to live. I mean death can be much more better than living the terrible things. If one has a choice between life and death, this one can choose death in comparison living."

I don't gwt what he said exactly but his words remind me a song, a forbidden song.. "Hanging tree" where I told you to run so we would both be free. The man called his love to die, right? But he named it "to be free". Is that what Cinna meant?..

I go out. I wish maybe u cannot hear my thoughts in windy weather. But no... The voices in my head are louder than everything else... I sit down staring at one point. Then Peeta comes in.

Peeta: "I cannot understand Haymitch. It was not too bad"

Me:" I do not think that other tributes did something like we did"

Peeta:" that is the point. We are different and we showed it."

Me:" It will not have any advantage to anyone"

Peeta:"it will! To us, to districts. They saw that the fear they created  could not destroy everyone's hopes and personalities"

Me:"They will punish us!"

Peeta:"No. There is no reason. The private sessions are not shown on TV, you know. It has not got any danger for them  as long as no one knows what happened."

Me:"They will let neither you nor me to survive"

Peeta:" I have not got any problem with it. But you... Sponsors would like "the girl on fire" to win the games. Tomorrow we have interviews. You have still chance, Katniss."

He says and goes to the building. I want to believe the things he said. He gave me a hope. I can still have a chance.

I go to Effie to prepare for interviews. She teaches me how to speak, how to smile, how to walk on high heels, how to sit down, how to stand up and etc. It is really terrible! But when I remember that I will spend time with Haymitch, Effie seems like an angel to me.

I thought Haymitch hates me more than he hates Panem. But when I enter his room, I think I was wrong.

Haymitch:"We must make them forget the session in this interview. At least I must make one of you to survive. That must be you. Peeta is determined to die"

Me:" Must I act like careers?"

Haymitch:"No. You can't do even if you want. Try to show off your courage, abilities, skills and ambitions. Do not forget, you are "the girl on fire". At least, everyone knows you by this name."

Me:"I will try"

We talk and talk for hours. Haymitch loses his patience by the time.

Haymitch:"Not so strict, not ridiculous. All I want is just a thin line between!"

Me:"I did my bes"

Haymitch:"As I cannot have this interview instead of you, my mission ends here. I give up! It is really, really interesting to me that how this shit will end"

He goes towards the door, murmuring something. He reaches the door and turns to me with a bottle of drink in his hand.

Haymitch:" GOOD LUCK! "

He says and shuts the door behind him.

Well, now I have stopped thinking about "What have i done?". Because now I have a new problem: "What will I do?"


Hello. Sorry it was not a perfect chapter. I write from my phone. Problem is that I have got punishment because of the bad marks at school, so I can't use my phone for long ((( but I promise, next chaptet will be better!!♡

Please VOTE AND COMMENT. My goal was 2 votes but Igot just one. ..But I am thankful for that one too. Bye for now :)

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