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Lets just get into it shall we?

1. The age limit has to be 15-19, if your character is not around that age you might not be anywhere to being accepted but if your lucky enough you get to be a side character

2. If you want to RP no inappropriate things because this is, that's not right, I want to be child friendly

3. You could curse as long as it's censored, example: sh*t (use this *)

4. No overpowered characters unless I grant you as popular role (idk the meaning either)

5. Please be creative

6. Follow the rules

7. Can't make up your own power or creature

8. No this isn't base off the Disney descendants

9. Follow the form

10. And yes there is a password, clue is somewhere here

 And yes there is a password, clue is somewhere here

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11. No Mary sues or Gary sues

12. Insert rule

Descendant Academy, Auditions And Rp (OPEN)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora