fourth date

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4th date

Hyewon bought a pair of tickets to Everland and with that they decided to have a date there at the amusement park, surprising her lover. Jihyo was very much happy about it because amusement parks are one of her favourite places. They decided to go on weekend, of course, they still have school after all, besides, time passes by quickly.

And it did, finally, Saturday came pretty quickly.

The younger reached Jihyo's place and just decided to wait there, leaning on the brick wall as she dialed her bunny's number. It only took two rings for Jihyo to answer.

"Bunny, I'm already here outside. Want me to fetch you there inside the house?" She greeted, and she heard a shuffling noise from the background. "No, it's okay. I'm about to go outside. Let me just, get my— bag."

She hummed and smiled. "Okay, I'll wait, be quick." And she hung up. Hyewon patiently waited, tapping her fingers on the wall like it's piano keys to entertain herself. It didn't take Jihyo that long.


And with that, Hyewon looked at the direction where the voice came from and her jaw dropped.

Jihyo is wearing a cute pink blouse, white shorts (not short short), and a pair of white sneakers. Meanwhile, Hyewon is wearing her usual outfit—shirt with a cartoon character and jacket, fitted jeans, and vans.

She hugged her bunny first and gave her a quick peck on the lips before grinning widely. "Jo Hyewon! Someone might see us, idiot." The older exclaimed, hand covering her lips and her face reddening. Hyewon just shrugged and opened the door for Jihyo. "Let them. So they will know you're taken already." She softly said, then intertwined their hands together, tugging her a bit to make her start walking.

They reached the bus stop in no time, fortunately for them, the bus came after a minute of waiting. Both of them sat on the farthest part, creating a new world where both of them are only there. Since it would be a long ride, well, just an hour— they decided to listen to some music. They shared the headset, and so, they could still talk.

"I should really get myself a car next year after getting my driver's license." Hyewon said, scratching her nape. Jihyo chuckled, the image of her lover driving entered her mind and blushed. "Sounds nice," She commented with a smile before leaning her head on the younger's shoulders then closed her eyes, she could get herself some short nap.

Hyewon spent an hour admiring her lover's face, a habit that developed throughout the years.

Not long after, they reached Everland. Jihyo's very ecstatic and even started to jump around, dragging Hyewon around. The younger could only just shook her head in amusement with a grin, her heart fluttering.

Before they could even enter, Jihyo already took a lot of pictures of herself and with Hyewon too. And like a child, she excitedly hopped around when they finally entered Everland.

They got matching headbands too— of course, bunny ears for Jihyo and deer ears for Hyewon. After that, they decided to have breakfast first before trying out the bumper cars.

Almost every place they went to Jihyo would ask her to take a picture of her or do selfies, sometimes with her but mostly not, Hyewon is not fond of taking selcas or whatsoever. "Bunny. You should not take pictures a lot, you know? I just want to hold your hand and walk together with you while talking." She said with a sad tone. And whipped Jihyo is, she immediately hid her cellphone and held Hyewon's hand then intertwined it, it instantly brought up a big smile on Hyewon's face.

The line in the bumper cars is not that long but they still have to wait, it's Saturday so there's many people strolling around. But Hyewon is frowning and annoyed, why? Because of the group of guys lining up behind them.

She heard those boys talking about Jihyo, that she's beautiful and wants to get her number. She hissed before going behind her bunny, preventing the guys from talking to her. No just no

Of course, Jo Hyewon does get jealous too.

Jihyo is a goddess, Hyewon won't deny that. The older is a model, and the pride of their university in terms of beauty. Not only that, she's probably one of the kindest and a smart person too. So it's not a shock that she'll attract a lot of people, especially— men. Oh how Hyewon's blood boils already at the thought of them staring at her bunny with those predatory eyes.

This is one of the things she hates whenever they go to crowded places. Jihyo really shone bright among the crowd. Like a beautiful pink flower surrounded by weeds. The unwanted attention irks her, it's alright if those stares are because of admiration but no, it's mixed with much worse that Hyewon feels so mad every time.

Not only her, even Hyewon attracts a lot of attention, however- since she has this very intimidating aura, people don't really bother her much unlike Jihyo who has a very approachable aura.

When it's their batch's turn, Jihyo excitedly ran to the pink bumper car while Hyewon grabbed the one next to it. The older just drove around, mostly bumping Hyewon and the other kids while laughing happily and whenever Jihyo is busy playing with the kids, Hyewon will drive and bump the same guys from earlier who's also purposely crashing their cars on Jihyo then apologize with a fake smile, saying it's just an accident before crashing her car again to them hard, her eyes burning in anger yet the guys won't even take the clue.

After that they decided to ride on the Thunder Falls. And Hyewon noticed that the guys were also trailing behind them. She growled and possessively wrapped her arm around Jihyo's shoulders before encouraging her to walk faster because it looks like the guys had plans on finally talking to her. She won't let that happen easily.

It took them fifteen minutes to lose the guys in the crowd and Hyewon is thankful for that. She doesn't want to kick some asses in front of Jihyo and ruin their date. When they were lining up, Hyewon noticed quite a lot of eyes staring at her bunny and she sent them death glares one by one until they averted their gaze out of fear. Thankfully no one bothered them, they are probably scared to approach the model because of a certain possessive and scary wolf beside her, guarding her bunny. And probably Hyewon's dark aura too. They took the hint, Hyewon is glad about that.

When they finished riding the ride, Jihyo suggested that they should stroll around and have a rest first, Hyewon agreed and lent her her jacket because the older's pink blouse was a little bit drenched. She doesn't want Jihyo to attract more looks because of that.

Around afternoon, after riding T-Express, they accidently met the group of guys again around the garden, and Hyewon saw how the guys' faces lit up when they saw the familiar tall girl and ran towards them. It was the last string. Hyewon pulled Jihyo closer to her who's taking pictures of the flowers, and gave her a soft kiss. The older was frozen and hesitant since they were in public but thankfully, all of the people present in the garden are already adults and mostly couples so they didn't care at all even if they smooch around.

When Hyewon pulled away, she stole a peck again on Jihyo's lips before kissing her nose and forehead then smugly looked at the frozen guys who looked like they saw a ghost, she rose a brow at them and smirked then pulled Jihyo away from there, fortunately the older did not question her. The guys were obviously disappointed when they saw the scene and just accepted defeat.

Their last destination is the ferris wheel.

The ride was awfully quiet when Hyewon spoke. "You know that I love you, right?" She asked, staring at the girl in front of her with love-struck eyes. Jihyo chuckled, scooting over the middle and Hyewon met her halfway. She stared deeply at the younger girl's brown orbs with the same intensity before leaning closer with a smile. "I know and I love you too."

Hyewon smiled then pressed a kiss on her forehead.

Fourth date: amusement park and many more— success!

A/N: just please tell me if there's any mistakes or so!

five dates. // zoahanWhere stories live. Discover now