Blue is the warmest color (2)

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They kiss in the elevator.

In the hall outside Wooyoung's suite: Wooyoung swiping his keycard with shaking fingers, San pressed up against his back, nosing at his hair.

In the entry well. Wooyoung doesn't even flip on the light. They step inside and the door closes behind San and they're facing each other, a couple feet apart. Blue moonlight from the windows at Wooyoung's back.

"C'mere," says San, and draws Wooyoung into his arms. Again familiar, again intimate. Just holding him. Wooyoung was expecting a kiss, but San just—holds him. Pulls him close. Wooyoung lets his fingers curl into the front of San's shirt, lets his forehead drop onto San's shoulder.

He shivers, a twitchy little thing.

San huffs a laugh against his ear. "Cold?"

"Yeah." This time it's true.

"You wanna shower?"

Wooyoung hesitates. It's dumb. It's not like he brought San up here for a fully-clothed cup of tea. They're going to fuck, or at least fuck around, they're going to see each other naked. Showering together shouldn't be a problem. But maybe Wooyoung thought he'd have more time. To get over his nerves. To get used to the idea of San seeing him naked. He's not self-conscious about his body; it's more the concept of nudity itself, the experience of being spread out, flung open, laid bare. He wants San to kiss him and slide his hands up Wooyoung's shirt and lay him out like that. He doesn't want them to just strip down in the bathroom.

"By yourself," San clarifies. "We can take turns. You mind lending me some clothes?"

"How are you so good at that," says Wooyoung, and immediately wants to die.

"Good at what?"

"You know. When I'm...." He pulls back and makes his Zoning Out Face the way San did it earlier, eyes wide and glazed over.

"Oh no," San says. He reaches up to cup Wooyoung's face in his hands, squishing his cheeks a little. "No, I told you I did it wrong. It doesn't look like that. You don't look like that. You just look sweet." He kisses Wooyoung. Murmurs against his lips, "Sweet boy. Sweet pretty boy. You're so good."

Horrifyingly, that makes Wooyoung's eyes sting. He focuses on kissing San back, opening up for him.

I really like you, he realizes. Not that he didn't know already, but for some reason this is when it sinks in. Like really sinks in. This moment, holding each other in the dark entryway of his suite. This moment, kissing a boy who thinks he is sweet and pretty and good and isn't afraid to say it, not the way Wooyoung is. Afraid. Of this moment. I really like you. I just really, really like you.

He opens his eyes and his vision is blurry. Thank god San's eyes are closed, brow furrowed as he kisses Wooyoung so well. So slow and soft and dizzying.

Wooyoung breaks the kiss. He ducks his head so San won't know he's a wreck. Just a big dumb embarrassing mess of feelings. "Um. I'm gonna shower. I'll be quick."

San raises an eyebrow, smiles all greasy. "Take your time."

"Ah." Wooyoung pinches him lightly on the arm and dances away before San can catch him. "I'll be quick!"

The bathroom is huge, ornate, white marble floors and a wide, sunken bathtub. A rain shower. A literal chandelier overhead, which seems silly. True to his word, Wooyoung showers quick, even including the time it takes to clean inside himself. It's been a while since he's done this without a douche. It's uncomfortable. Middle finger, nothing but water to ease the push inside. He cleans as thoroughly and efficiently as possible, luxuriating under the hot water for only a couple extra minutes. Then he dries off and pads naked into the en-suite bedroom, throws on sweats and another loose T-shirt.

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