"Dishes today huh?" I laugh as he continues to walk towards me.

"Yeah" He shrugs. "When did you get back?"

"Yesterday" I answer him and he stops in front of the room I was just in. This must be his room. Makes sense now. Luke does seem like a dirty person.

"Thanks for the fresh clothes" He smiles, taking a quick peak inside his room. I nod my head in return.

"Well, see you around" I say, pushing the cart away from his door. He grabs my arms, making me stop and turn to face him.

"I heard what happened. You're the baddest bitch I know and I'm glad to call you my friend." He winks at me and I chuckle. His hair and eyes are familiar and it makes my heart warm. He is the most friend I have at Shadow and I'm glad that he's so nice to me.

"I think I deserve an award" I joke, making him laugh a little.

"I'll see you later, Luke" I say my goodbye and he steps back into his room.

"Okay, El. Oh, and wish me luck!" He shouts outside of his door. I grow confused as of why he's telling me to wish him luck and I ask him why before he closes the door.

"Natalie and I are going to try and get pregnant tonight." He says with a smirk. My face scrunches up from the thought. Why would he want to get her pregnant. If they do have a baby, it's just going to get taken away from them once it's born. The whole process is so cruel.

"Why?" I say before I can stop myself.

He looks at me like I should know something,"Well, you kind of have to."

"Yeah I guess."

"Yeah, you better find someone to get you pregnant. The new year is coming up soon." New year?

"Why does that matter?" I ask, hoping he can help my curious mind.

"Well, yeah. Everyone has to be pregnant by at least January otherwise you get kicked out." He says and I'm stunned. My mouth drops open and my eyes go wide. That must be why I haven't seem much people around Shadow who are pregnant. I didn't know that you absolutely had to get pregnant. It makes sense though that everyone waits until they absolutely have to.

"No one told you? You get kicked out of Shadow if you don't get someone pregnant by the start of the year." He keeps knocking me down with new information and it's causing stress to build on my shoulders like crazy. Is Harry going to kick me out if I don't get pregnant? I don't even know any men besides the Vampos, Luke and Louis. I don't have anyone to help me fulfill the task.

"I'd start now." He says just as some new footsteps sound in the hallway. I turn around and recognize the blond hair that I despise. Natalie notices me and her already dull face turns into a frown.

"Oh, Ellie. You're back." She doesn't sound the bit pleased. God, I don't like her.

"Yes, I am." I mutter before pushing the cart away from Luke's bedroom door. I say a small goodbye to Luke before setting off down the hallway.

I can't believe I have yet another problem to solve in my bundle. I have to start looking around for someone to get me pregnant? Psh, that's last on my list. I don't want to do any of that. I don't want to get kicked out of Shadow again though. Although, a small part of me kind of thinks Harry wouldn't kick me out. He even said so himself, he never wanted me to leave again. Ugh, he is confusing.

After dropping off the two baskets of clothes left on my cart, I start to head back to Len quickly. It's time to be done with chores and I couldn't be happier. Now, I can go up to my room and take a nice shower. Yes, a shower sounds really nice right now.

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