Mornings after

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Sirius are Severina are sex buddies.

The smell of coffee fills the room as Severina opens her eyes to a too bright room. Why was her room so bright when she has black curtains on her windows? And what was that musty scent overlayed with the tantalising smell of coffee… No, that is definitely not right.

She opens her eyes to grey sheets rather than the crisp white of her bed at Hogwarts. She sits up abruptly, only to shiver in the burst of cold air that hits her bare breasts.

Wrapping herself up, she looks around the seemingly spacious room decorated in grey and red.

'Ah,' she thought. Now she knows where she is, never having seen this room in daylight before, so it took her some time to gather her thoughts. She remembers as flashes of the night before come back to her, naked, covered in small bruises and bite marks from chest to thighs, and feeling slightly sore down there…

Movement at the corner of her eyes catches her attention, and her hand twitches as if to go for her wand, but she has no idea where it is at the moment. Not that it matters anyway as she was a master of wandless magic. Her lips press together to form a thin line when she sees who is standing in the doorway of the room.

Sirius Black leans against the doorframe with a steaming cup in his left hand and a half eaten doughnut in his right hand as he gazes impassively at her. “Morning darling,” he says.

Severina’s hands grip the sheets tightly around herself as she glares at him. She isn’t quite sure what to say as she hadn’t planned on spending the night. The sex had been on the schedule, of course, but she never stayed after they were done, and this was new and unexpected territory for her. Out of her element and clothes the next day, she has no idea how to behave or what to say, and so she just opens and closes her mouth flustered.

Sirius smirks at her behaviour. "Would you like some coffee?" He says as he raises an inquisitive eyebrow.

This snapes her out of her stupor, and she clears her throat, " Yes, thank you."

Sirius passes the cup to her, which she takes with a nod. The first sip she takes breaths some life into her, and she asks.
"What time is it?"

"10 past 30ish?" He says nonchalantly as he sits on the edge of  the bed next to her, putting the half eaten doughnut on the nightstand.

“What!!” Severina nearly leaps out of bed, almost spilling hot coffee all over herself. That can't be right, she thinks as she puts the cup on the nightstand. She's never slept this late before.

“Relax it's Saturday, you know. No classes to teach”, he says as he caresses her cheek.

This is too bizarre, Sirius Black is acting as if they’re just two lovers waking up on a Saturday morning after a mind-blowing night of sex. Severina remains still with the sheet covering her body, hair tousled, and cheeks red as he continues to caress them. This is not right. She slaps his hand from her face, and her eyes dart around the room, locating her clothes and wand in a chair by the door.

She clears her throat and says, " Would you be so kind as to excuss me so I may get dressed?”

“Shy?” Sirius smirks as his eyes scan her body.

“I am not shy. I just don’t feel like giving you a peep show while I dress.” she says, clutching the sheets tightly.

Sirius reaches his hand for his wand and flicks it. Severina flinches before she realizes that her clothes have materialized onto her body, blocking out the chill in the room.

'And isn’t it just like the mutt', she thinks, 'to show off like that?'

Transfiguration was always his speciality. Naturally, it would be, as it had always been Severina’s weakest subject. Dressing someone else like this is something that takes real skill, talent, and concentration. at least one ends up with their clothes metged to their skin or worse inside them.

It’s so irritatingly considerate a gesture that Severina tosses the sheets aside and snatches her wand from the chair in a vice grip and apparates out of the house and back to her room at hogwarts.

Sirius looks at the cup of coffee on the nightstand and smirks.

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