morning after (part 2)

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Severina had not wanted to go back to Blacks place the next weekend, but damn if she wasn’t a creature of habit. She showed up as usual, and they fucked until the early morning. She had convinced herself that last time had been a fluke, she had only stayed because she’d been to tired to go back home, and so she had fallen asleep right after the deed was done. This time she would be sure to leave right after they were done and not sleep over again.

She is proven wrong when, once again, she wakes up in a too-bright room and grey sheet and the smell of coffee.

She sits up and immediately and glares at Sirius, who is sitting by the window this time. There is a box on the table that contains a variety of scones, and Sirius has one halfway protruding from his mouth as he chews through it. Severina watches in disgust as Sirius eats the scone with an open mouth.

When Sirius notices Severina watching with disgust, he pauses, “What?” he says, glaring back at her.

“Surely you procured a napkin or two from wherever you got those things?” Severina questions.

Sirius just shrugs and finishes up the scone in his hand and offers her the box. “I didn’t know what type you would like, so I got different types. Have some?”

Severina slides out from under the covers, ignoring Sirius and gathering up her clothes on her own. She is painfully conscious of the grey eyes trained on her as she bends down to pick up her scattered belongings, but she shows no reaction to it. She dresses and smooths down her hair, wincing only slightly at the ache within. Last night’s escapade had been particularly enthusiastic.

“There’s plenty,” Sirius says, jiggling the box at her.

Severina turns and glares at him again. Sirius is still watching her, though he’s started on another scone. Severus strides to the table, snatches up one of the scones, and storms out of the room, slaming the door behind her.

Once she's outside, she looks back once before apparating back to Hogwarts.


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