Chapter 9 - lost memories

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-hello everyone!-

Hey...i'm so depressed. mu favorite teacher just had a shocking news from the doctor. he name is Magdalena but we call her ms.Magda and she was always having a terrible stomachache everyday from when i was still in Kindergarten (and now i'm in grade 6) so she had a lever sugery. but then, she found out that she had cancer. she's i stage 3 already. she was a really, REALLY great teacher. when i was in grade 4 she alwas lets the class be lively. and if someone got injured, she cares. she have great semse of humor. she was always fun.. i'm really sad that she has cancer.. at least her son is born savely. yes, she gave birth already. SHE WAS THE NICEST TEACHER I'VE EVER HAD.

-but anyways, enjoy!-

Miku POV+

Seriously though, this lady right here is just mind blowing. "who cursed you anyway? There would be no such person in the company!" i argues back. "he WAS in he company but was fired. although, it was too late to being Lukim back into human because she was turned into a cyborg already." she explains. you know what, my mind is blown up already and now it's not fire. "look Lady, why the heck did you 'summon' me here? i am NOT a pokemon." i said, being a little rude. "i.didn'" she replied, puting gaps between each words andbeing rude herself. "well why am i here, Lady?" i asked. "it's because of you.............saying the school's name...???" she answered, obviously lying. "that doesn't make ANY sense. you know that, Lady?" i replied, being even more rude. why am i rude? well i guess my mind is just error. "look just unsummon me. like i said, not a pokemon." i ordered. "i said i didn't summon you."

"Why on earth am i here then?"

"How should i know?!"

"Well this is your grave."

"Look, the exit is right there, girl. go pn freeeeee! flyyyy! fly like the birdddd!"

"I am NOT a bird either, spiritual lady." with that i exited through the door - so called Exit- when a huge amount of light covered my eyes.

Lukim POV+

You know...i've been alone for a few minutes here in the dark. where on earth could i be in? i was standing alone, pouting in the darkness when suddenly a huge amount of light came. and a beautiful lady came out. "whodehell r u ladeh."i started to say, not knowing who she is. "that is impolite of you! i am your mother for pony sake!"

"Kehh my mo- wait wut."

"Yea yea i'm your mother blah blah blah. i'm just here because the king of the dead ordered me to let you and your twin know EVERYTHING."

"Twin? pffftttt, you got the wrong personn i have no twin lade- i mean so called mom."

"Oh? so you haven't been told yet? i swear that Miku is so dense sometimes. le sighhh"

"Wait..Miku?! Miku is my twin?!"


"I think it's not true"

"Well too bad cuz it is dawgg"


"you want to forget all this? o right before that let me tell you a story."

"So called mom, i'm not a child that needs stories everyday."

"Well too bad cuz i'm tellin' it to you"

"Le siiiiiiigh"

"It's a long story, short, i gave birth to you, you were taken away, i tried to get you back but was cursed and turned into a spirit."


"Oh come on Miku had the same reaction! now do you want to forget all this?"

"What? no! this is great! Miku is my twin and i get to see my so called mother too! i don't want to forget it!"

"Well too bad. the king wants me to erase it so..."

"What'll i loose anyway?"

"Everything about the vocaloids and Raizo"

"Why Raizo too?"

"Cuz you met the vocaloids before you met Raizo."

"Look, so called mom, i don't want to forget it!"

"Too bad." with that, my so called mom chanted something on me. i went dizzy and fell to the ground.

(Time skip: 1 hour)

I woke up and found muself lying in the darkness. "WHERE THE HECK AM I?!" I screamed. "oh you're awake. the exit's right there. now go."

"Who are you?"

"Just go! i'm watching tv while eating some chils here!"

"Give me chips first."


"Then i won't leave."

"Ugh. fine here you go."

"Thank youuu!" i went through the so called exit and a huge wave of light came.

Miku POV+ (a few hours before)

I woke up and found kywelf lying on a bed. i saw Luka was standing beside me. "MIKU YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" Luka hugged me. " um long have i been out for?"

"A few years"

"WAIT WHAT" as i said that, i noticed that Kaito wasn't here. he was here before i went unconssios. "where's Kaito?" i asked Luka. but soon, her smile faded and was replaced with a frown. "Miku..i'm sorry.."


"I know you liked him and all.."


"Oh come on don't hide it from me, Miku!"

"....i sometimes REALLY just hate you."

"Awww i love you"

"But why bring that up?"

"Well the thing is..Kaito is...

"...WAIT...IS HE DEAD?!"

"What?! no-"


"Miku he's not dead."

"Oh. why didn't you say so?"

"But anyways. Kaito is not dead..but he's already going out with..Meiko."

"....He is?"


"Well feck."

Suddenly, Lukim started to wake up and i noticed that a boy was siting next to her."awww, why are in love with her, Boy?..WAIT A MINUTE. Luka, did that boy just sit there listening to our conversation?" i asked, a smile on my face. "yes. Yes he did." She answered. my smile quickly became to anger. "boy. you never listened to what Luka and I said. got it?"





Suddenly Lukim seriously just woke up. "...LUKIM!!!! HEYYY YOU'RE ALSO ALIVE!" Luka greeted. "...who are you all?"

-hello again everyone!-

You know...about mu teacher..she was the nicest teacher ever. and my current homeroom teacher is sooooo bad. she's alwas late, she doesn't care if someone is injured, she's soooo talkative, she have no sense of humor, and she's starting to do Ms.Melva's way to do things. and Ms.Melva here is very strict. if we're for example late for school she will tell us to sing a traditional indonesian song. LIKE HOW IS THAT RELATED TO BEING LATE?! ....i'm sorry i'm saying to much things XD


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