chapter 8 - WTF LADEH?!

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-hello everyone!-

hello! i'm back from shoping2 yesss. i find out about a famous violin musician. she's so pretty!!!!!! makes me want to go to Japan! oh wait...i wanted to go there even before i met her...BUT ANYWAYS, listen to one for her works in the media! the song is Senbonzakura by them vocaloids!

-after that, enjoy the story!-

Miku POV+

i was walking side by side with Kaito. it's a little embarrassing but.....i guess we're not holding hands and...oh what am i thinking?! "there it is, Miku. Lukim's school." kaito suddenly said, bringing me back to reality. "lerome de turqus...? that's a stran--" i started to say but was cut off because suddenly, my vision went COMPLETELY black and i felt my back falling into someone's arm. 

Lukim POV+

crap, i need to go to the vocaloid's house. but my friends here insisted me to join on a school club and here i am, in a singing club =.= practicing with the other vocaloids is just like a singing club, why do i have to do another one? T_T "Lukim! concentrate!" one of my classmates said, angrily facing to me. "r-right! sorry!" i replied. i continued to sing when suddenly, my vision went black and i fell into the ground, hitting my back to the floor. WTF IS HAPPENING.

Kaito POV+

"m-miku?! wake up! Miku!!" i shouted, holding Miku in my arms. what happened?! we were doing just fine when we were walking! and suddenly Miku just collapse! i carried miku bridal style and into the school. "somebody! where's the infirmary room?!" i shouted, taking everybody's attention. "gasp! what happened to Miku?!" a girl asked. "i don't know! just take us to the infirmary room!" i stated, started to freak out more. "but someone's already there."


"her name is Lukim."


what happened to Lukim?! "just take us to the infirmary room!!!" i exclaim, getting mad just a little. "o-okay, follow me.." the girl started to lead us to the infirmary room.

in the infirmary room, there i saw Lukim lying on a bed, unconscious and a boy beside her, sitting on a chair. "um...hello." i greeted. "oh..! y-yes??" the boy stood up, blushing ever so slightly. he saw Miku on my arms and asked, "what happened to this girl? i never see her here it because i'm new here?" the boy asked. "no, she's not from here. her name is Miku. ever heard of her? she's pretty famous."

"oh, would you happen to be one of the vocaloids my friends keep talking about?"

"yes. oh, what's your name, boy?"

" name is Raizo, you?"

"Kaito. anyways, what happened to Lukim?"

" know her?"

"yes. she's kinda a new vocaloid." that's where it hit me. they're both unconscious because they're bond with each other. they're twins. "she is?! that's why she's always the main attention." raizo said, "oh! you can put Miku beside Lukim." Raizo added. "okay." i replied, putting Miku beside Lukim gently. "i wonder what happened to them?" Raizo asked, looking at Lukim with concern. "let me tell you something, Raizo. but don't tell anyone about this. got it?" i started.


"Lukim was just a college girl, Miku and I met her in the park and began to drag her to the vocaloid's house. she followed us to the singing station too, we wanted her to be in the company. but there, we found out something. Lukim was actually Miku's twin long ago. but she was just a test subject for her twin. Lukim doesn't know yet though." i explained. " Lukim is actually Miku's twin?! then what about her mom?" 

"i don't know about her family." i answered honestly. but he's right, wasn't she formed a cyborg? this is getting confusing =.=

Miku POV+

i was standing there, in the darkness. i didn't know what was happening. "h-hello?? anyone there?!" i started to shout. suddenly, a strong light came and i automatically closed my eyes. "Miku..."  a faint voice came over. "w-who's there?!!?" i replied. "don't worry. i'm no one to you, Miku."

"how the heck did you know my name then?!"

"i have no reasons to answer you."

"but anyway where am i exactly?"

"you're in my grave."

"what, you mean i'm dead?!"


well this conversation is getting no where =.= who the heck is she? why am i in her grave?! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE REALITY I WAS IN?! "Miku, you knew already about your past, yes?" she started to ask, in a serious tone. "my past? you mean Lukim? my so called twin?" i asked back, "why bring that up?" suddenly, i can see someone in the distance. there stood a beautiful, young lady that i don't know about. "i am her mother." that words came out of her mouth. i thought i was gonna faint. i thought Lukim was formed as a cyborg. "kehh! isn't she formed as a cyborg, Ladyy?" i said, thinking that i was 100% right. "she was," I TOLD YAAAAAA. "but" WHY A BUT?! BUT IS FOR POOPY. "the real story is...i gave birth to a normal girl. i named her Lukim. but when she's 15, she was taken from me. she dosn't remember about her family. i tried to take her back but instead, i was cursed. and i became a spirit out of your world." she explained. okay my mind is blowing. still, WTF LADY.

-hello again everyone!-

do any of you know the famous drawer kristinawebb (or colour_me_creative)? in instagram?  i love her so much! she's so pretty! and her hands are magical af XD who else is entering her giveaway? i'm entering! but i mean...there's like...5% chance to win. :P good luck to whoever joins!


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