Part 10: The Interview and The Surprise.

Start from the beginning

"Just do your best! We will support and guide you as we can" Zee answered. The two just nods and give their comment.

The interview ended without a problem their managers arranged a dinner for them to get to know each other.

They were happily eating in a restaurant and Gulf noticed that Bright and Win were chatting most of the time. He is happy for his friend that he found some distractions since he doesn't want his friend to keep being sad and hurt from his previous relationship, from his cheating ex.

The night went well the interview will be released that night. Gulf thought that if Mew sees it he will ask him. Unfortunately he didn't seem to noticed it yet.

Days passed and he is too busy with workshops and Photoshoots. The magazine where they also modeled for their first appearance was out and the public seems to accept them without a problem. The only thing left is that he still haven't told Mew about it. They haven't meet for almost 3 weeks already as his boyfriend's too busy since they were wrapping up with the shootings and after that they have a lot of promotions to do and fan meetings, also he mentioned that he will be part of another series already but the filming haven't started yet but some of the actors are already doing their workshop.

He completely understands his boyfriend. It's about work and he also wasn't able to hang out with Bright too since when he goes out, he sometimes meet with Win and he didn't want to ruin their alone moment which Bright denied that they're just being friends. He clearly noticed that his friend is falling for Win and Win also seems to like Bright. Gulf already talked to Win about Bright's emotional condition and Win assured him that he will not hurt him, he also confessed to Gulf that he is attracted to his friend. Who wouldn't though? He is smart and handsome but so is Gulf.

There is a Banquet where they have to attend the event and there will be interview with the cast of the series. The rest of the actors will show up and other supporting leads.


"Byy... Have to attend to an event tonight. It's for the new series that I will be part of. I will be available after that" Mew said to him. He's already taking a hint that it's possible that Mew will be part of the series where he will be in.

"Hmmm.. Who will go with you? Do you have a date?" He asked. In the event you can bring a plus one or a date.

"No, of course there's none. It will be just me! I already have you... I'm sorry if I can't take you with me" he said, he purposely said the last sentence in a small voice since he's the one who asked him to keep their relationship off from the public.

"It's okay babe... Hmm.. See you. I have to prepare too, will have to go somewhere too." He didn't mentioned that he might be in the same event. He plans to surprise him and who would've thought that Bright is right again.


Gulf and Bright arrived at the event, the three actors that was with them in the previous interview are already present. The three showed them around and introduced them to other casts. While they were talking with Ohm which is on the corner, Gulf saw Mew went in and to his surprise he is with Fai, his hand is at the back of Fai guiding her while she is clinging to him. For fvck sake they look like lovers!  Gulf thought.

Gulf's just starring at them when Bright noticed and looked at the direction where his friend is looking and saw Mew and the lady with him that time at the restaurant which is his ex. The sweet gestures he makes to her and those smiles that makes him want to punch the guy the in the face. How could he?

He looked at Gulf's face "You okay?" He asked.

He snaps back to the reality when Bright asked him. Ohm is just looking at the two, he looks worried since they seem to be uneasy.

"Gulf seems to be dizzy with all these people. I'll lead him to our table first so he can rest a little bit" It was Bright who excused them from Ohm and he leads his friend to their table. He gave him water which is Gulf thankful for, he feels like his mouth is dry. His eyes shows how hurt he is. Well, he knows he didn't inform his boyfriend about this since it should be a surprise and surprisingly, once again he's the one who's being surprised.

"You okay? Do you want us to leave? I can tell P'Tul that you are not feeling well" Bright asked. He is worried but he knows that his friend is not the person who will acts shamelessly and will create a scene. Also, he knows how hurt his friend is for what they saw so he is trying his best comfort him.

"It's okay. We'll stay, we have interview to face and introduction to make." he makes a sad smile, he squeezed Brights hand "I'll be fine. I'm professional remember?" He said and forced himself to keep his smile.

"I'll be with you. Let's get this done and go home" Bright said and Gulf just nodded. How lucky he is to have this thoughtful friend. Little did he know that Bright's anger is fuming and he is trying to control himself not to kill his friend's lover.

MC: Sawadee kha~ Everyone seems to be enjoying and I bet you already know each other.

The crowd cheers and laughs, of course aside from the two.

MC: Let us meet the main actors of this series. Please join me here on stage.

"Zee Pruk" The crowd cheers while Zee walks towards the stage.

"Let's call, Saint Suppapong" The crowds cheers again and some are shouting Saint's name.

"Of course we have Win Metawin" There goes another applause from the audience.

"Then our two young and new faces that I'm surely some of you meet them already... Gulf Kanawut and Bright Vachirawit" The crowd applaud except for Mew that seemed frozen still. His body turned into ice upon hearing the names.

Questions like how and why is forming into his head and when he realised who he is with, his face looks so pale. He is doomed.

He saw the two from the back walking their way to the stage, he saw Gulf's disappointed eyes and anger in Bright's. One thing he only know that he needs to do. He has to clear the misunderstanding before it gets escalated.


Okay another not so long update.
You guys know the drill. Sorry for the typos and errors. I'm planning to fix it... Soon hahaha

Let us appreciate Win's beautiful face haha

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