Confusion and a rude teacher

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Dear people who actually read the author's notes;

I'm sorry about the wait, I don't have an excuse unless binge watching Once Upon A Time counts.

I'm sorry its so short but it's all I could do for now, I'll try updating again soon (another 75 years) and I'll talk to you guys later :)

Also; Ilysfm elizziebabs your fantastic!!!


"Here's the wrapping shi- um... sorry..... should I go-?"

Ryan lifted his lips off of my skin shaking his head quickly and I was suddenly aware of what he just did.

I stared at him wide eyed, confused as he held his hand out and Isaac dropped a roll of bandage tape in it.

"W-what was t-that...?" I choked out.


"N-no-not t-ta-alking a-about that."

With a deep sigh, Ryan turned around to talk to his friend outside the stall, "Isaac, thanks for your help, but could you leave?"

"Sure, man. I'll see'ya in music."


We waited a few seconds till he was gone and I moved to ask him my question again. Only to be cut off completely by him shoving me to the ground, hard.

"You wrapped yourself up. This never happened."

And with that, he walked off.

He left me confused and broken.


When I entered music, I walked as casually as I could to the instruments in the back of the class. It was here that I picked up a green acoustic guitar and sat down with it in my seat in the back, pretending to tune it.

"Jonas!" I looked up to see Mr. Grens walking towards me with an angry look on his face causing me to shrink back in my seat. "You never play anything, your grades are going down and you need to prove that you can play something if you want to pass this class."

Well that was rude of him to say I was failing in front of everyone, who by the way, were now watching us.

"I-uh... D-do you w-want me to play a-after class..?"

"Of course not. This is music class, not music after class. Play it now."

I fiddled with the neck of the guitar, slowly getting my hands in position, going through what I needed to do throughout the song in my head.

I ended up playing a repetitive verse, changing it slightly every now and then while I played and I finally finished it off with a few light, slow strums.

By now the classroom was silent and Mr. Grens sighed in defeat, walking back up to his desk.

"What's the song name?"

I simply shrugged in response, sinking down in my chair at what I knew would come next.

"You wrote it then?"

I shyly nodded and his face turned into one of a frown.

"Where are the lyrics?"

He obviously didn't expect any and was trying to drag this out as long as possible. Everyone was staring at me now and I wasn't exactly Mr. Grens favorite student.

"I h-haven'-t wri-t-ten t-them yet.."

I think my teacher was slightly disappointed by this, but he simply nodded and told everyone else they had two weeks to write a short song with a partner of choice.


Ta-Da!!! Tis an update!! :P

I finally have an idea for this story and I think you guys are gonna like it :D (I hope!)

Anyway, I'm dedicating this chappy to dixiylover19 cause your SO SWEET! 0:)

Ily and thank you for commenting if you did, you guys (the non silent readers though I love the rest of you too :D) are the reason I'm writing this and its a lot of fun :) so thank you so much for all the support and kind words, I really appreciate it.

[Update: I've taken out the part where Jonas has to sing the next day as the next event kind of gets in the way. Sorry if that's confusing]


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