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"Hey Faggot, nice hat! Isn't that for girls?"

I didn't even bother turning around, I knew who the voice belonged to. And my 'hat for girls' was for Breast Cancer Awareness Week.

"Hey! Answer me when I ask you a question!"

They knew I don't talk.

They target my lack of speaking as an excuse.

Feeling the backs of my knees being pushed against, I knew what was coming next and fell to the ground.

Bryan and his friends, Rick and Isaac beat me for maybe seven minutes before becoming bored of me and the fact that I wasn't screaming.

Plenty of people passed by, but none stopped to help. They never do.

I don't try to fight, but I won't be giving them the satisfaction of seeing me in pain any time soon.

So after wiping Bryan's spit off my the forehead, I shakily stood, right as the warning bell rang.

Limping through the now empty halls, I made my way to the bathrooms.

Opening the door I headed straight into the first stall, sliding down against the cool metal of the wall allowing my head to lay against it.

I felt around my neck, breathing heavily, and reached into my shirt fishing out my 'charm' hanging across its chain.

After unfastening the necklace I held the razor, forcefully moving my many band bracelets farther up my arm, out of the way.

Finding a cleanish place on my battered wrist, I created the first red line, then the second, third, forth. And then I froze.

I heard the long, loud scrape of metal on metal and was unwilling brought down from my small high.

Peering through the small crack in the door, I watched as Rick put his phone in his pocket and headed towards the urinals.

I closed my eyes, willing myself to zone out and not listen to him. God, I felt so perverted...

Finally, I heard footsteps moving around again and the sound of the tap running.

I watched Rick's blue converse move around from under the door then stop right in front of my stall.

"Hey Jonas-No sorry-Fag! What cha doing in there Buddy? You've been in there for awhile!"

I held my breath, praying for him to go away.

Opening my eyes that I hadn't realized I'd closed, I peered through the crack once more, Jumping slightly at the sudden eye contact that met me.

"Yeah, Im still here, I can see you, Fag.

Do you have nothing better to do then sit in here? You like watch other guys? Huh?"

And then to my horror, He steps forward and pushes the door open.

Long Sleeves (Hiatus, sorry)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt