Backing Tracks for songs

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Soon-A Little Night Music (I am auditioning for rapunzel in into the woods with this song and it took ages to find a backing track)

The only one that I've found is only on iTunes/Apple Music and it's from the album Sing the Songs of "A Little Night Music" (Karaoke) by Piper Tracks

I Know It's Today-Shrek The Musical (My sister is auditioning for little red in into the woods this one was a little easier to find

Waving Through A Window-Dear Evan Hansen (This one is without the backing vocals because my theatre camp friends and I were all singing a bunch of musical theatre songs and then then we had one guy sing the Evan part and the rest of us did the backing vocals)

Candy Store-Heathers The Musical

I found a candy store instrumental if you're one of those people that can sing all of the parts at once and I also found ones for each of the heathers if you are basic like me and can only sing one part at a time :(

Heather C:

Heather D:

Heather M:

I will update these when I find more! Feel free to put whatever backing tracks you find in the comments!

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