New Arrivals

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~Alton, Illinois~
16 years.... I've lived in this house for 16 years watching as teens with some type of problem come and go. They could stay if they wanted to but none of them ever did as soon as their problem was fixed they would leave to try and start over somewhere else.

I live in a small town with my godmother Debbie Sinclair, she was my mom's best friend ever since they were kids.

I walk into Ray's Market, others know it as the local market but Debbie and I have known Ray (the owner) ever since I was born while Debbie knew him when she was 12 years old. Ray is a 71 year old man with black hair with a few grey streaks here and there, he has hazel eyes and is actually pretty healthy he's not some old fat guy that newbies normally assume him to be, the store has been in his family for 5 generations now his grandson wants to take over the store when he grows up due to the fact that Ray's son Garrett wanted to own a vet office instead of working at the store and Ray was more than happy to work there longer.

"Morning Ray!" I say cheerfully with a big smile

Ray looked up from the register and smiled at me "Hey Kai how've you been sweetie?" He asked curiously with his kind smile

I walked up to the counter and shrugged my shoulders "I've been pretty good, Deb asked me to come pick up the the three pizza order for her" I answer honestly

Ray nods in understanding and picks up the three pizza boxes and carefully places them in one large bag he owns that he allows us to borrow "Any newcomers lately?" He asked as he handed me the bag

I grabbed the bag from his hand while nodding my head"Yup 5 new teens coming they should actually be at home already" I answer while checking the clock as the time read 6:30.

"Well off with you then don't let my old brain keep you here" he joked with a chuckle

I playfully rolled my eyes while giggling "I'll see you tomorrow Ray and your not old!" I called to him while leaving the store giggling.
I walk up the old white steps of my front porch, I open the door and walk to the kitchen it wasn't to big but it wasn't small either it was comfortable and I enjoyed cooking with Debbie every now and then.

I place the pizza on the counter and walk into the warm, comforting space known as the living room, as I walk into I'm met with Debbie and five other teens in front of me.

Debbie smiles warmly at me "Kai! Your just in time, these are our new guests" she said with a cheerful smile

She turned her attention back to the teens in front of her "The rules here are simple, this is a home for kids like you, wayward kids as some call it you did something wrong or disrespectful that could possibly ruin a good future you may have some day whether it be future career or future family" The red headed women said in a kind tone as her dimple showed

"you will stay in a group and you will have a monitor with you at all times, her name is Kyrah Wilson she's one of our best and I can assure you that if you try to leave you won't get very far she has a way of always finding you"  she said with a knowing look towards me causing me to giggle

A boy with curly hair looked at me in confusion "N-no offense but I thought Kai was you know....a guy's name...not a girl's?" He stuttered in more of a question

I cover my mouth as I giggle at his nervous state "Kai is short for Kyrah don't worry a lot of people get confused about that" I explain with a kind smile

I look at each one of them 3 guys and 2 girls I walk up to the boy with the curly hair "I'm Kyrah what's your name?" I asked cheerfully

"Oh uh I'm Lucas middle names Trevor in case you're wondering" He said awkwardly but with a slight smile

I move to the girl with dark skin and long curly black hair "Hello it's wonderful to meet you what's your name?" I ask again

She raises an eyebrow and looks me up and down in a judgemental way as she crosses her arms "Taylor Lockwood and don't think this makes us friends because we're not!" She said through gritted teeth

I think it's safe to assume she's the girl with the attitude problems....

I walk to the boy next her that has his wrists wrapped in a bandage "The names Colby" he mutters, I give him a smile while nodding in acknowledgement.

I look at the next boy with dark skin but not as dark as Taylor's "What about you?" I ask him

Colby let's out a chuckle " don't bother I think he's mute, he wouldn't talk to us at all" Colby said

The boy rolls his eyes "I'm not mute I just don't talk to idiots" He says through gritted teeth with an annoyed expression on his face "My name is Ryan" he mumbles quietly but I still heard it.

I go to the last girl with darker skin but lighter than Taylor's and Ryan's "My names Bailey" she says with a shy smile

"Hi Bailey it's wonderful to meet you, all of you I'm sure we'll all get along just fine" I say with a warm smile while I show them to their rooms.

"Colby, Lucus, and Ryan all share the room on the left side of my room, while Taylor and Bailey share the room on the right side of mine" I explain while showing them the rooms.

"It's only temporary so don't worry and who knows you guys might get along" I say cheerfully trying t lighten the mood.

The 5 teenager's ignore me before walking into their shared rooms and slam the door shut......rude!

I let out a sigh before walking downstairs to set the table for dinner and our new grumpy house mates, I hope they like pizza.

'More importantly I hope this all works out'

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