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 Kempton Cambridge was walking home from school, the usual way, flirting with the perimeter of the sprawling woodland on the edge of town, when a wolf began slinking towards him.

It was massive, and snow white, and had icy blue eyes – but Kempton did not register these things because there was a wolf standing two feet in front of him, and so he screamed and bolted in the opposite direction.

He skirted around the corner, and did not look back. He did not think, not about how he was, in all likelihood, about to die, or how wolves definitely did not exist in England, because fear had pushed it out.

For how long he continued on, he could not be sure, but it seemed to be a safe enough time to stop, as the rush of paws scraping and thudding against the asphalt had stopped a while before. He examined his surroundings and bent over, regaining his breath. An urge to vomit rushed in his stomach, but it did not come to pass.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, to call his mother to pick him up, when he was thrust forward and was sent flying towards the floor. He pushed his arms out to absorb the impact and winced. Blood seeped from cuts and gashes, having landed on jagged shards of rock and stone.

Now, he was thinking. I am really going to die.

Kempton turned himself over, to face his fate, and was met, an inch from his face, with the wolf's. It was not growling, or even seemingly aggressive, except that it pinned Kempton in place. Its head tilted to the side, and then, its blue eyes began to glow. Glow so bright that Kempton had to close his eyes, glowed to a blinding white.

It began to howl, and Kempton felt the pressure of it on his body relieve. When he opened his eyes, he was alone, on the asphalt, with darkening sky and the low hums of birds and leaves in the breeze.

Shaking, he called his mother. "I'm at the edge of Kepping Forest, by the Keeper's House."

* * *

Kempton's mother was a woman that always smiled, and always sought out the positive in things; many of his friends in school thought she was a hippie that smoked pot all day. She probably did, but right now, her disposition, this was something that Kempton had never seen before.

"A wolf," she said, repeating it over and over. "It's impossible."

"I know," he said. "But I saw what I saw."

"It can't be, no. I made sure that this would never happen," she whispered. "This was never supposed to happen."

"What are you talking about?"

She stood up and sat down next to Kempton on the sofa, and wiped away her tears. She took hold of his hands, and took a couple of loud breaths. "I can't hide it from you now. It's already came, and it will keep coming. There is something I need to tell you, Kempton, something that I tried to protect you from and keep you away from all these years. It seems the past always has a way of catching up with us. I don't quite know how to say what I need to say..."

Kempton blinked. "I'm so confused. Just say it how it is."

" younger sister, who died seventeen years ago, she...she gave birth to a beautiful little boy right before she died, along with his father. Two years before, she fell in love, and the man, well, he was more than human. He had the ability turn into a wolf. He was the alpha of his pack, a King. And my sister was his mate., Kempton, are their son."

"'re not my mother, my father was a werewolf, and both of my parents are dead?" Kempton asked, eyebrows raised.

She was about to start crying again. "Yes."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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