There is no discrimination in secrets and betrayal, and although I don't know what Anwar and Ruby were up to, it can't be good if it was being kept away from my prying eye. All I can trust now is myself, and as Kylo and I were slowly walking to the banquet, my heart was beating a tune of trepidation and fear as I fret the moment I will have to face both the King and Ruby.

"What's causing your anxiety, my Princess?" The deep and demanding voice of Kylo Ren, suddenly brought me out of my daze, bringing me back to life as if I had lost myself into my illicit, longing stare which needed answers, that I may never get.

I shiver in my sadness that laps over the icy chill of the night's breath, which sways through the tree's leaves and manages to sink through my thick dress and even leave a cold touch to the crown above my head, which weighs more than it ever has.

Snapping back to life as if his words had shot an arrow into my heart, I suck a sharp breath in and glance to the tall man, who didn't even spare me a look as he trudged by my side, his silver lightsaber shining in the moonlight so beautifully, it could even manage to make my crown form rust of jealousy.

I swallow the lump in my throat, understanding one thing clearly and suddenly, which I had always known – My thoughts were masqueraded to my gratitude of his refusal to read them, but that didn't stop Kylo Ren from reading my emotions as if they were a fairytale.

"Nothing." I lie, shaking my head and forcing myself to smile to him, but he doesn't take the time to turn his head to me as his eyebrows only furrow, "I'm just nervous for the banquet." I add.

He blows a breath to which it forms like tendrils in the cold air, proving the warmth inside the monster, "Nervous?" He repeats.

I nod, "Yes."

With wide shoulders, a long stance, brooding muscles that tense even beneath the thick layers of his uniform, Kylo Ren walked tall and confident along the stone floors of the courtyards, with an expression that made it seem as if he already owned the Kingdom, which he will soon change with those large hands that he began to tense and curl into one another, behind his back.

His skin is pale beneath the illumination that the star's graciously give, but not as white as his knuckles which are probably clenching tightly underneath the stretching of his leather gloves. Suddenly, mystical apprehension cuts me open into a stinging wound of his angst, but when his face finally turns to me, its his brown eyes which regretfully, heal my wounds fine.

"You're lying." He smirks, turning back to the path we follow and then back to me, as if he didn't know which sight he preferred, "I can tell what you are feeling as it is radiating off your heart so strongly. And I can easily tell, what is brittle nerves, and what is something... More demanding."

My wound has gashed back open and my lies are trying to rush out with the spitting scarlet.

Suddenly, no longer am I trying to attack or unveil Ruby and Anwar's secrets, but I am now trying to defend my own from the very person that I will always have to lie to.

More demanding. How much could he feel? I knew I was overly stressed, but I didn't think that my emotion was strong and free for him to understand, I thought it was caged tightly in my chest from the way it was so immense and painful.

Blood-thirsty scenarios, which keep clawing their way into my nerves and feeding on the roots of my fears, rush back into me but I keep my face casual with no hint of hesitation for him to read just as easily.

"I am not lying." I try to brush off, swiping my hand in the air as if the night's gaze was meaningless, "Just forget about it."

There's beginning to be a lingering of drunk people around that litter the courtyards that we walk, the music softly humming in the distance, which causes his next words to be spoken beneath his breath, for only me to hear as a group of people, sway and hobble by us.

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