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We were all in the Great Hall well except Hermione she was packing her stuffs. I was playing chess with Ron and (y/n) was sitting beside me watching us play. It was Christmas the hall was empty with only few students that couldn't be home for some reasons.

"Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Ring the Hogwarts bell

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Cast a Christmas spell"

Ghost were singing songs. Everything was fine for now. I was a bit happy that (y/n) was with me this Christmas.

"Knight to e5." I said as the said Knight moved from its place to where it was told to

"Queen to e5." Ron said which got me to lose another of my piece.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione said as she was carrying her trunk with her and was beside ron looking at the chessboard infront of us.

"That's wizard's chess. I see you've packed." Ron said looking towards her trunk.

"I see you both haven't." she said giving a look to (y/n) and Ron.

"Change of plans. My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother Charlie and mum asked (y/n) parents to tag along. He's studying dragons there." Ron replied to which (y/n) nodded. She is so innocent and cute and beautiful oh stop it harry she is your friend. I try to clear my mind but I can't help it she really is beautiful.

"Good. You two can help Harry, then. He's going to go and look in the library for information on Nicholas Flamel." she said. She said the same thing to me a few days before to which I gave her a confused look but then she cleared my confusion.

"We've looked a hundred times!" Ron exclaimed and he was right we did looked for over a hundred times but we couldn't find anything.

"Not in the restricted section. Happy Christmas." She bend down a little so only we could listen and said and went away to which Ron and (y/n) stare at her with wide eye. I was surprised as well when she suggested that to me couldn't believe what she said.

"I think we've had a bad influence on her." Ron said to which (y/n) nodded her head once again.

"Harry, wake up! Come on, Harry, wake up!" Ron was shouting from downstairs and I just woke up from his excited shouting and went downstairs.

"Happy Christmas, Harry." Ron said.

"Happy Christmas, Ron." I replied giving him a big smile.

"Happy Christmas Harry." (y/n) said coming towards me and giving me a hug to which ron smirked I glared at him. He's been bugging me about her since Halloween.

"Happy Christmas (y/n)." I said hugging her back tightly.

"What are you both wearing?" I asked ron as I saw him wearing a sweater with his initial and (y/n) wearing same sweater but of (f/c) and her initial.

"Oh, my mum made it. Looks like you've got one too." He replied as he went and sat next to (y/n) where she was sat with too many sweets which where from her parents and Ron shared.

"I've got presents?" I asked excitedly as I never got any.

"Yeah. There they are." (y/n) said pointing towards the gifts. I ran towards it and there were 3 different presents wrapped and placed. The first was from Mrs. Weasley she gave me same sweater but with my initials on it. Second was from Mrs. (l/n) she got me a nice and beautiful pair of shoes and new clean robe. I picked the third one there was no name on it though but there was a letter.

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone  {Harry x reader} Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat