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Days passed and Mark and I never talked again about what happened in the library. We've been busy with exams and rarely met.

I didn't seek him out. He asked me to wait and I'm doing just that. Without asking. Without getting tired or impatient. No matter how long. Just like how I've promised him.

I just finished the last exam of the day and was walking towards the gate of the uni when I passed by the familiar place. I decided to stop by and sit.

This place taught me how it is to be bittersweet.

I've been there for a while when I felt someone sit beside me. I slowly turned to my left and saw the face of the person I've been missing these last few days.

He's wearing his polite smile again and I gave him one of my own.

"Done with your exams P'?", Mark asked.

I only nod once as an answer and stared at him. Mark too was only looking at me. I find it amazing that sometimes, a look or two says more than an entire conversation. That there are times when, a serious talk doesn't involve a lot of words.

"How long are you going to wait?", I heard Mark ask. He's no longer looking at me but at the heaps of fallen flowers somewhere in front of us.

"For as long as you want me to.", was my calm reply.

"It might take a while.", he said in almost a whisper.

"It could but I'm willing to wait."


"Because you asked me to."

"You don't need to."

"I know. I just want to wait."

I gave him a look as if to say I'll be fine and that I don't really mind before adding,

"You might not know it but I've always wanted to skip after school activities to take you home but never did. I want to but can't. I wish I could but I know I don't have the right to. There are other things, I just gave you one. So let me wait. I'm allowed to do that."

"You'll get tired. I always make people feel that way."

"Maybe. But I don't mind getting tired. I'm only worried you'll give me something you don't want to because you feel obliged to do so. You're softhearted and has always been good to people."

"I can't have you saying that P' after what I've done today."

Mark paused. I know he has a lot more to tell me so I waited and kept my silence.

"She begged me... She asked me not to leave...", I can see Mark struggling with the words. He looks like he's at the verge of crying.

"But I need to... I want to.", that was the last thing he said before Mark started crying. I know I shouldn't but I inched closer to him and slowly guided him to my arms. I embraced Mark and gently stroked his back all the while saying soothing words close to his ears.

It must have been devastating for him to end it with her. He wasn't used to this. That would have been too much for his gentle heart. And I can't help but feel a stirring in my chest. It was a complicated happiness. My heart swells even from the uncertain truth that he has done it for me but did my best to suppress my feelings at the moment. Mine were secondary to Mark's. Comforting him now is my priority.

When Mark stopped crying and seemed less troubled, he withdraw from the hug and looked me in the eye.

"Take me home from now on whenever you want to."

"I can skip my hazing duties?", I asked him teasingly hoping to lighten the mood.

"Don't. I'll wait.", Mark replied with a small smile.

"I'm done with my exams and my activities for the day, can I take you home now?"

Mark only nodded and no words was said. I stood up and offered him my hand to help him up. Mark took it and stood up. I tried withdrawing my hand afterwards but Mark held it.

"Please. Even just for today P'.", I heard Mark ask.

I smiled at him and interlaced our fingers together. "Should we have ice cream on the way?"

"Cookies and cream would be nice."

"To share?"

"P'! I can even eat a gallon of it now. M-m-maybe some other time."

"I'll take your word for it."

Then we walked together hand in hand.

I have about a hundred questions to ask him but those will have to wait for a different time. I will enjoy this moment for now.



Sorry for the late update. I can't access my account since yesterday afternoon that's why. Glad it's okay now and all. Hope you like this chapter. And many many thanks to everyone taking the time to read my story.💕


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