chapter 2

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Harper's pov

'was that draco malfoys twin....cause if that is she seemed nothing like what ive heard about her shes seems nice and she is kinda cute.....' Harper thought while getting on the train to hogwarts and taking her seat her twin brother harry coming and sitting beside her and they start talking about random things

Emily's pov

'Oh god that girl was so cute' was the only thing going through emily's mind as her own twin comes to sit beside her making her smile brighter and leans her head on on draco's shoulder falling asleep

Draco's pov

Smiles at emily as she sleeps on him and then his whole deminor changes and his cold and arrogant side comes back while he's thinking sadly 'i wonder if dad has hurt her anymore.....because if he has im so not going to be happy... Emily is apart of the family as well' draco sighs then falls asleep letting emily sleep on him ready to get off the train

*timeskip to when they arrive to hogwarts*

Emily's pov

I feel myself fall off of where im sitting at and onto the floor making the other kids laugh at me except my brother, a girl and a boy who walk over and the girl gives me a hand which i gladly take and stand up as the girl asks me a few questions while also telling me her name "hello im pansy parkinson are you alright?" Which i respond quickly "im fine and im emily malfoy and this is my twin brother draco malfoy" pansy replies smiling "do you want to be friends emily?" I get nervous and scared but reply anyway " im good, but thanks for the offer pansy but maybe Dray will be friends with you" pansy nods and smiles softly at me replying "its alright but maybe one day we can br friends" i nod my head and reply back "ya, maybe one day pansy" after that pansy goes and grabs her bags and goes outside to talk to dray and the other boy she was with while i grab my bags and walk off to where no one else is at and starts listening to music while thinking 'i cant believe i got accepted to hogwarts.....i hope i get in the same house as dray or even pansy' i thought while pulling out a lolipop i had brought from my house and started eating it

Harper's pov

'We finally made it to hogwarts...i wonder where emily is' i thought while looking around still a bit shy but my new friends ronald and hermione where talking about a girl who was standing by herself and she looked like she was smoking!!! 'Who would smoke at hogwarts!!' I thought while walking over to the girl slowly realising that its emily and that she was eating a lolipop which made me sighs in relief then i thought to myself confused 'wait!? Why would i be concerned over emily!?!? We just met!?!?!' As i was thinking i didnt notice that i was about to trip but once i did trip i closed my eyes tightly waiting for the impact on the cold hard ground but it never came instead i felt warmth envelop me so i peak my eyes open and i see that emily caught me and i immeadiatly blush and bow and aopologoze "im so sorry emily!!" Which made her chuckle and smile softly and pat my head speaking kindly and sweetly which is something i had never heard of a malfoy doing before "its alright harper no need to apologize it was an accident, and accidents happen sometimes" i guess i must have smiled or something cause emily turned red which made me worried again and i asked shyly "emily are you alright?" And after i say that i hear her mutter quietly "y-ya im fine h-harper" which made me shrug and nod then walk off back to harry ron and hermione

Emily's pov

'Oh god she fit perfectly in my arms and the way she smiled while looking shy was so freaking adorable' i thought to myself on the inside but kept my cool on the outside when we were all called inside to follow professer McGonagall to the sorting hat where we would find out which house we are in and i know i git excited because its my first semester here at hogwarts and im extremely excited to find out which house ill be put in and who my dorm mates will be

Draco's pov

Is smiling some noticing how happy and excited his twin is and goes over to her "excited huh sis?" And she replied softly "of course im excited i just hope i get in the same house as you.....i dont want to be in a house where i dont know anyone" that made draco smile abot bigger and he hugs emily responding to her before going back to his spot "dont worry sis i know you'll be in the same house as i am" that just made her more happy and excited about getting sorted

Okay........ So ive been getting complaints about how short my chapters are so im going to explain why they are so short

So my chapters are short because sometimes i have to stop and i'll publish the chapter then and I make them short so i can have something for the next time...... So next time someone complains about my chapters being short.... Please be patient with me because whatever i dont put in the previous chapter goes into the next chapter

*sighs*  anyway thats all i wanted was to tell you

Bye my wizards,witches and warlocks remeber to stay safe and wear a mask have a beautiful day/night/ evening

Harper Potter And Emily Malfoy, Harry And Dracos Twin SistersWhere stories live. Discover now