Chapter 1

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"P-please! Don't kill us-khagh!"

One of the several whimpering meat bags grovelled at my feet, his pleads and cries for mercy went in one side of the ear and left the other. I pressed his head onto the concrete floor, repeatedly slamming it, staining it with his crimson fluids.

"Oh my..."

My reply was one of sombre and merciful grace. My breath escaped me, like a son seeing his parents riddled with holes, and left my innards cold. I looked at the man with teary eyes, and an aura of concern. The guy whom I'm top of right now looked up at me and found relief, believing his suffering was over.

Of course, this wasn't so by a long shot.

This time, I put a smidge bit more force into my stomp, dazing the poor bastard underfoot. With only moments left before he fades into his subconscious, I grasp his hair and yank his head back to face me,

"'ll wish I did!"

The reflective lens of his eyes flickered before becoming bloodshot and the room was filled with his wailing. I left him to his misery and walked to the back door. Passing by a mirror, I catch a glint of my appearance.

Stepping into the bustling urban night, I waltzed through the crowd with my hood down, speedily making my way back home, and avoiding anyone who looked like a hero, though many people looked at me with concern across their faces

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Stepping into the bustling urban night, I waltzed through the crowd with my hood down, speedily making my way back home, and avoiding anyone who looked like a hero, though many people looked at me with concern across their faces.

"Oh goodness? What happened to him?"
"Where'd he get all that blood!?"
"He's probably some delinquent or something; I'd say it's best to stay away.

The passersby hushed themselves as they saw me. Though I can't say I'm surprised, after all, there was blood on my clothes as well as many other tears in it. I did stick out like a sore thumb, but I reckon I can speedily get home.

"You! Freeze!"


Obviously, Lady Luck isn't on my side today. I knew it was ballsy going out in red. The crowd dispersed, leaving me at the epicentre of their attention. Me, a kid halfway through his teen years, adorned in my white hoodie with several suspicious items on me.
     The police officers who caught me numbered to three of them, each one with a simple handgun, probably standard Glock or Beretta. Peeking my eyes to them, they seemed pretty new and fresh into the force; the shaking of their hands and slightly shallow gasps. Seeing my opportunity, I dashed towards the first officer who was within my grasp. I reached for the gun and disarmed him with a swift tug, and I hold him in front of me, separating me from his colleagues.

"Stand down, kid!"

The other two's spirit's waned as I hid behind the cop. I slipped down behind the officer and shoved him into the two others and fled the area. Whilst making a break for it, I ran through the city, fleeing my pursuers. I hope they aren't too ambitious about getting a promotion or something.

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