Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

-Leon's POV-

A few months had passed, I thought about maybe reconnecting with Rebecca after the events of the accident that happened, I knew that maybe if I saw Rebecca alone, I thought it would be a slow process and I hoped that Rebecca would be happy again as I decided to reconnect with Rebecca alone then in time maybe I would let her meet my little girl, when the time was right.

I just wanted the time to be right before I allowed Rebecca to meet my daughter Bailey Rose.

-End Of Leon's POV-


Rebecca's POV

It has been a few months since the accident and I have gotten better.

I've somewhat retired from singing, but I do an occasional show now and then. My main focus is on my husband and our son.

I hope that me and Leon could connect sometime soon and we can catch up on everything and anything.

Little Chris has grown so much over these past few months. He has called for Mama and Dada a few times, and even called for Eir (he can't say Piers) as well.

Chris has been teaching me self defense classes as well over these last few months, and let's just say, I can whip his ass a few times.

I was contacted by the director of the BSAA if I would like to be a part time soldier for them, and I gladly accepted.

Also, I have gone back to Raccoon City to fix up mine and Leon's childhood home, seeing as it needed repairs.

Life couldn't be sweeter with my family, but I am waiting for the day I can reunite with Leon, Skylar, and Bailey.

End of Rebecca's POV


-Leon's POV-

I managed to get a message to Rebecca through Piers, I requested to see my little sister at the same park where she thought that she'd seen before but didn't know at the time, Bailey stayed at home with Skylar, I wanted to do this first meeting alone, I had decided to take it slow and not rush this as it was the right thing for now and I had a strawberry milkshake as I was by the lake where the swans had been, all I could hope for was that maybe in time once I felt the time was right to allow my little sister to finally meet my young daughter Bailey Rose, I wanted the time to be right before that happened, I just hoped that Rebecca would understand that and in time be given that chance.

I hoped that today would go fine, I wasn't nervous but just hopeful that it would be ok and take it slowly to try and rebuild the sibling bond that was once there, I knew that Skylar was slowly reconnecting with her brother Piers too and she didn't want to rush it and I felt the exact same too.

-End Of Leon's POV-


Rebecca's POV

I was pulling up to the park in my blue Honda Civic where I had seen Leon and Skylar at the time, which was so long ago.

Piers had passed a message to me that Leon wanted to meet with me, alone, and that's fine. Chris is at home watching our son.

Getting out of the car, I shut the door and locked the car up. I then smoothed out my outfit, which was one that I bought myself about a month ago.

Walking over to the pond where the swans were, I saw a tall blonde man sitting there with a strawberry milkshake in his hand. Oh my gosh, it's my brother Leon, in the flesh.

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