"I know You didn't, just like how I didn't mean to Boss you around!"
Poppy sobbed

She then ran out side the pod and into a hill

Branch saw her crying

Branch ran after her

DJ Walked up to Barb
"Barb, you were too intense on her..."

"Yeah.........But she desevres it, Now time to practice, the old Fashioned way, come on girls!"
Barb pretended to not feel bad about Poppy

Branch yelled as he looked for her

He saw Poppy hiding in her hair, again

"Poppy, I know your hiding in your hair again, come out..."
Branch said

Poppy showed herself and turned her hair to its normal form

"Hey Branch"
Poppy sniffed

"What's the matter, things didn' work out as you hoped?"
Branch sat down Beside her

"Looks like it, I mean, I tried to apologize to them but, they just got mad and Let out what they thought of me"
Poppy hugged her knees

Branch put his hand on her shoulder
"Hey don't feel bad, I'm pretty sure that they just got some mixed emotions"

"You sure?"
Poppy asked

"Of course! They are your best friends!"
Branch smiled

"Speaking of that, Barb got so mad at me"
Poppy said

"Well, that's Barb! And you know how much of a mad Mohawk she is"
Branch joked

"But, she Literally called me Jerk for the first time, it felt like she meant it, It hurts more than when she teased me back at Volcano Rock city"
Poppy felt something in her chest

Branch noticed it
"Hey, whatcha got there..."

Poppy showed a heart necklace to Branch
"Oh this, it's just nothing...."

It was a small neclace with a pitcure of Poppy and Barb together

(The art does not belong to me, only the edit, credit to the artist of this fanart)

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(The art does not belong to me, only the edit, credit to the artist of this fanart)

Where did that come from?"
Branch asked

"Barb and I made it together after we became friends"
Poppy said

"Oh, well why don't you fix things with her, you know forgive eachother"
Branch elbowed Poppy gently

"Well, I will try.."
Poppy shrugged


"Way to go Barb! Now we lose Trollstopia!"
Legsly yelled

"Me! Why blame me! If it weren't for Poppy stealing the show, we could've been okay"
Barb yelled back

"Well things weren't okay if you'd just shut up and quite messing around like the tomboy you are!"
DJ Yelled at Barb

Barb gapsed dramatically

"Not if you'd take my A$$!"
DJ sassed

Barb chased DJ

"Why you angry Uptown-Punk?"
DJ Teased while being chased

Legsly yelled

"Don't get in this mess if your not needed!"
Barb yelled

"Oh ho ho no! You've pulled off my trigger too much red-hair!"
Legsly yelled

And started to chase Barb and DJ

"Would you two guit it!"
Delta tried to stop them

"Move White A$$"
Barb yelled

"I'm not getting offended by y'all little comments!"
Delta yelled

"I said Move!"
Barb Yelled

"Nu uh, not til' you apologize to eachother!"
Delta said, still blocking the others from beating eachother up

Then DJ Jumped out of no where and tied everyone up with her hair

DJ said

"Let Us go!"
Barb yelled

DJ crossed her arms
"Not til' you apologize to me"

"Me? You apologize to me!"
Barb argued

"Whhhaaat no! You apologize to me Barb!"
Legsly argued

"Would y'all please quit y'all's squirming!"
Delta yelled at the three

Then Poppy went back in and noticed the girls fighting

Barb tried to bust through DJ's hair

"Stop it!"
Delta pulled Barb back, trying not to continue the fight

"Why don't you stop trying to stop us!"
Legsly yelled

Poppy yelled

But the girls didn't hear her

"Why don't you try to stop stopping me from stopping you!"
Delta yelled said

Poppy yelled louder

The girls froze as they heard the voice of the small pink troll

"What on Earth are you doing?"
Poppy asked

DJ cleared her throat and untied the rest of the gals

Barb helped Legsly up

Delta dusted herself

"So, your back...."
Barb tried to look away

Poppy sighed
"Look Barb, i'm so sorry for Bossing you around, I just wanted us to win so much that I got too carried away and acted like-"

"-And acted like the Boss Baby"
Barb joked

Poppy's ears went up

Barb sighed and rubbed her arm
"Pop-squeak, I know that you never meant to do that, I am the who should be sorry, I got so mad at you and Began to have mixed emotions"

Poppy smiled softly

"You were more than a friend to me Poppy, you felt like a sister to me"
Barb fiddled her fingers

"Or maybe more than that......"
Poppy looked at her with a smirk😏😏😏😏

"Yeah...............Wait what!"
Barb blushed 😳😳

"Nothing, just teasing ya, so what do you say we do this the ol' chilled way!"
Poppy took out her hand

Barb placed her hand on hers
"Let's do it!"

Barb looked at the others

All the looked at eachother

They all smiled and nodded to eachother

And all placed their hands on Poppy and Barb's

They all yelled as they threw their hands out

From outside, Branch was spying on them on a tree branch with his binoculars

"That's my girl...."
He said to himself as he took off the binocular

And fell off the tree, again

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