The ship ride was long and tiring but, she made it. She made it to the United States of America. she almost couldn't believe it. She then sneaked off the ship. The blond haired girl could feel and hear all the sounds around her and she was in awe. She waited until night time to find an abandoned apartment to stay. When she did she climbed through the unlocked window that was 35 feet in the air with a blind fold on. You see she was trained with a blindfold on and even lived most of her life with it on so she was pretty used to it.

Alayna climbed through the unlocked window with a sigh finally away from everything. She would get a job tomorrow she heard about a restaurant when she was passing by some guys said it had the best sandwiches around. She would go see if the it was hiring tomorrow. Alayna then took off her blindfold, and took in her surroundings. There was a couch, a computer in the back corner. A room which she thinks was a bedroom, another door to a bathroom as well as a kitchen which was to the right of where the couch was. It was a quaint little place, she decided to shower and look up where she was and where the restaurant was.

The next day was a long one for Alayna, She could successfully navigate where the restaurant was.  Asked if they had a job which they did and she got it after a interview which they said she would very a good candidate for even with a blindfold apparently. She arrived at home after pick pocketing some money off of strangers, so she could buy food and water which she did.

A month later Alayna was living happily by herself, She could afford food even clothes, though she had a uniform for work which helped her out a lot. Sleeping on the couch she couldn't bring herself to sleep in the bed. She was awake at Midnight when someone walked in to the apartment.

"Who are you?!?!"

Alayna jumped up from the couch she was sitting on. Her eyes flashing white because she didn't have a blindfold on at the time. It was a man that had an eye patch who was aiming a gun at her. She immediately raised her hands. While her eyes were still flashing white to her normal brown. She could feel the hostility raging off the man.

"Please don't hurt me, I'll get out if you want me too. I'll leave." Alayna started moving to the door.

The man then noticed her eyes.


Alayna stopped in her tracks.

"How are you doing that?"

"Doing what?" Alayna answered

"your eyes."

Alayna cursed. She covered her eyes with her hand.

"I'm sorry. I'll leave."

Alayna started to go to the door, but it shut in her face.

"You still haven't answered my question." the man said

"Which I don't have too." Alayna retorted

"Excuse me, who's the man with the gun here."

Alayna then had enough, she needed to get out of here and this man was making it very hard. So she used her training and with lightning speed disarmed the eye patch man and threw him on the ground with a thud. She now had the gun in her hand.

"Your excused."

The man was baffled to say the least no one had ever disarmed him that fast not even when he was in the military.

"Who are you?" He asked yet again

"None of your business. Now my turn, who are you?"

She had a gun pointed at his face so he had to answer.

"Nick Fury."

The man that she now knows as Nick, looked at the girls face and realized she couldn't be but 16 years old which she was at the time.

"May I ask, how old are you?"

Alayna didn't see the harm in answering.

"Just turned 16"

"And where'd the hell you learn how to do that?" Nicholas Fury asked, some of his top agents couldn't even do that, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't interested in the girl. She had impressed him.

"That's none of your business either." the girl said. "Can I trust you not to shoot me now?"

"If you can disarm me that fast then sure."

Just to be safe she took the bullets out of the gun before placing it. On the counter that was right next to them by the door out of the apartment. and dragged up a chair's shadow which dragged the chair with her powers behind Nick.

"What the fuc-"

"Look I really need somewhere to stay, and I've been staying hear for the past I don't know month and a half and you weren't here-Nick was it? Anyways I sleep on the couch and you won't even know I'm here because I work at a diner a couple of blocks from here. So please let me stay with you at least for now."

"Okay." The man sighed. "But I have to know your name first. I would also like to know if your interested in something."

"Fine, but not many people can know I'm even alive. My name is Alayna Maximoff."

That started a relationship with her and Nick Fury that flourished everyday. Sometimes they would talk and sometimes they wouldn't but, Nick would be lying if he said he wasn't fond of having the girl around.

Once they got to know each other more they started trusting each other more. Alayna told the man about her powers and what she could do one day and she thought he would be afraid of her instead he was interested  and kind to her about it.

He thought that she went through something for her to be as skilled as she is. He then showed her S.H.I.E.L.D and she became an agent not long after she worked her way up the ranks, doing a phenomenal job. She was Nick's right hand girl most times. Just like Phil Coulson who was his right hand man.

She was around 17 and contemplating leaving which she told Nick about too. The man was worried about her its a lot for a seventeen year old to be worried about Hydra coming after them every hour every day.

That's why they came up with her alter ego 'Lunar' at Shield, even gave her a suit, to protect everyone around her and she wore her blindfold too and she could still beat everyone of his best agents up in training and she was 17.

"I just don't know, Da- Nick" Alayna was about to say Dad because the man was like a father to her, she frowned at the thought her real father threw her away for money. He made her a monster.

"I don't think you should leave, 'Layna at least not yet." The director said to her

Nick was planning on asking her a question so she didn't have to worry anymore. He just didn't know how she'd take it because of the situation with her own parents. He was quite fond of the girl, she thought of her as a daughter and this is his first time ever loving anyone like family in a long time. So one day he asked the question.

"Alayna what if I adopted you? I mean I already think of you as my daughter, and you have seemed to wiggled your way into this cold mans heart. So what do you say?" Nick asked nervous for the first time in forever, he wanted this to go right


Alayna Maximoff has never had a real home.

Alayna Maximoff thinks herself as a monster.

Alayna Maximoff has a real father and his name is Nick Fury.

Alayna Maximoff only ever wanted her family to love her.

Alayna Maximoff is a broken but beautiful soul






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