"Rise and shine, Your Highness! Why haven't you awaken? It's quite unlike you to sleep in. Since that hopeless handmaiden of yours seems to have run away or disappeared off to somewhere, I'll have to take her place for now," Richard calls out, spreading the curtains to either side of the window with one, large and swift movement. He shakes his head in disappointment as he looks at Bastiaan's sleeping figure that hadn't even reacted to the butler's sudden entrance.

The sunlight comes bouncing into the room full of life, causing Bastiaan to scrunch his eyes up by the sudden and drastic change of intensity in light, nearly like a bear waking from hibernation.

"How dare you interrupt my slumber, what is your business here?" Bastiaan groans, placing his hands over his eyes in an attempt to ease the harshness of the light.

"You usually wake on your own or even earlier than planned but it seems that today you're not yourself, Prince Bastiaan. You have woken thirty minutes later than you usually do, which I find somewhat concerning. Are you unwell?" Richard questions, making his way around the room and fixing any objects that were out of place.

"I am perfectly alright. Do I have important business to attend to? If not, why wake me?" Bastiaan responds, his tone still drunk with fatigue.

"You'll miss your breakfast for starters. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, then afterwards you have several trivial matters to attend to before you're required to meet with Princess Odile. Usually your handmaiden would be the one guiding you throughout the day but she's nowhere to be found. What a troublemaker," Richard informs Bastiaan.

"What are you talking about? She's right here," He yawns out, finally letting you go as he sits up in his bed. His hair was in disarray, the black strands poking in different directions indicating that he had a sweet beauty sleep last night.

"Whatever do you mean? I don't see her here. Don't kid me like that, I nearly got a heart attack," Richard laughs it off as he takes out a new outfit for Bastiaan to wear. He picks out a white and red outfit that seemed more casual and less formal than what Bastiaan would usually wear.

Bastiaan spots this and motions for Richard to leave, shooing him away with a lazy hand motion, "Get out of here. I only wear black," He complains, not taking any liking to the fact that Richard obviously had poor observational skills.

"Why must you always wear black? It's as if you expect somebody to drop dead and have a funeral immediately occur," Richard humours Bastiaan.

"It is nothing that concerns you. I suggest you leave while I am still being polite," Bastiaan warns the butler.

"If I leave, you'll probably just fall right back asleep like Princess Odile," Richard responds, not feeling as intimidated of Bastiaan as he usually did since the prince had just woken up and was most likely still coming to his senses.

Richard edges closer to the bed and with a single, grand movement, he swipes the duvet away and lets it fall onto the waxed, wooden floor. Then, an audible gasp of utter and sheer disbelief escapes his lips as he stumbles aback, blinking repeatedly at the scene in front of him as if he just couldn't believe his eyes.

"Your Highness! The handmaiden! Die Hure! She is in your bed!" Richard cries out, a curse slipping out of his mouth meaning 'the whore'.

"I don't lie. Or at the very least, I rarely do," Bastiaan tells Richard, raising his arms up high and doing a small stretch before finally climbing out of bed, not giving a care in the world about Richard or the current matter at hand as he pushed past the butler to the clothes. Bastiaan throws the clothes on the floor nonchalantly with disgust and picks out a white dress shirt that would have a pick black waistcoat worn over it, along with a matching pair of black dress pants and socks. He changes into these clothes as Richard stands caught off guard, processing the situation. "I'd rather you not curse in the presence of royalty."

Undying Love ( Yandere x Reader )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon