Chapter 2: Discovery Part 2

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If you guys have any questions about this story, please leave them in the comments and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Just like the last chapter, this chapter has a song from another Disney movie, just letting you know. Now, without further a due, the Golden Guardian.

A few months later

It has been a few months since the Phoenix saved Chima and returned to the Sun. Everything was perfect again, tribes getting along with one another, the Ice Hunters were cured from their icy curse, and the nine friends, Laval, Timothy, Eris, Cragger, Rogon, Gorzan, the gorilla, Bladvic, the bear, Worriz, the wolf, and Razar, the raven, have saved Chima once again. But, when one story ends, another one begins.

Ever since the incident back at the Forever Rock, Timothy still here's the whispering voice calling his name. Timothy was thinking about going back into the hole and examine the the Golden Sword a little bit more, and maybe even wield it. "TIMOTHY!" Laval said in a surprised voice trying to scare his brother, who got scared in the process. "WHAA!" Timothy screamed while turning around to look at his brother, who laughed from the scream. "Laval... don't do that again... unless there's an emergency in Chima. Do you understand?" Timothy said to his brother panting from the scream. Laval stopped laughing and looked at his brother, "Sorry, but I came to let you know that we don't want to be late for the monthly Speedor Races, again." Laval reminded his brother about the monthly event.

"Oh, was that today?" Timothy said with a nervous chuckle and walking up to his window looking outside. Laval caught that his brother was nervous and walked up behind him and placed his right paw on his brother's left shoulder, "C'mon Tim, your gonna do great, you always do every month." Laval said trying to comfort his brother. "Yeah, I know, but don't you think that something might change?" Timothy asked rhetorically, "And I'm not talking about the track, I'm talking about... me." Timothy said trying to get Laval to understand. Laval was confused on what Timothy meant, "What do you mean, 'You?'" Laval said taking a step back.

Timothy turned around to look at his brother along with a sigh. "I got a feeling that ever since the, "incident" back at the Forever Rock, might change the way I ride a Speedor." Timothy said with another sigh and sitting on his bed. Laval sat right next to his brother while looking at him, "Timothy, that was months ago, and we shared the blame so that it wouldn't bother us again." Laval said, recalling that day, "Remember?" Laval asked his brother with a worried look, who closed his eyes shut and decided to tell his brother the truth on what he found in that hole.

Timothy opened his eyes again and stared into his brother's. "Do you remember that hole that I fell into near the Forever Rock?" Timothy asked Laval, who gave a nod. "I found something in there and it kept on whispering my name ever since I laid my eyes on it." Timothy said with a shaky voice while looking at Laval, who was shocked on what his brother just said and was also curious. "What did you find?" Laval asked his brother, who let out a long sigh while looking down then looked back up at his brother. "A sword, a Golden Sword sitting on a pedestal. I didn't want to believe it at first, but the whispers have proven that the Sword is real!" Timothy said with a serious look on his face.

Laval was still shocked on what his brother was saying. "Why didn't you tell us this in the first place?" Laval said in a serious tone. "Would you have listened?" Timothy asked his brother, who thought about what Timothy said and he was right. Laval and his friends wouldn't have listened to Timothy about the Sword, just like he and Cragger didn't listen to Eris about her visions. Laval kneeled in front of his brother so they were at eye level. "Your right, we wouldn't have listened." Laval replied, "But, we do have to get going and if the whisper starts bothering you again, I'll be there for you, always." Laval added while smiling at his brother, who smiled back and got up to his feet. "Thanks, brother." Timothy said as he hugged Laval, who hugged him back. "Anytime, brother. Now let's race." Laval said as he broke the hug and he walked with Timothy to the track.

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